Breakfast at Marissa's

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

How Well Do You Know Me?

So You Think You Know Me...

(2 Points) My name:
(4 Points) My last name:
(4 Points) Who am I in love with:
(1 Points) Where did we meet:
(6 Points) Take a stab at my middle name:
(1 Points) Where do I work:
(9 Point) What am I afraid of:
(1 Points) Do I smoke :
(3 Points) Do I drink:
(5 points) Am I a virgin:
(1 Point) Do I have any siblings:
(2 Points) How many:
(2 Points) What's one of my favorite things to do:
(6 Point) How many piercings do I have:
(4 Points) How many tattoos do I have:
(3 Points) What are 2 of my favorite music groups:
(4 Points) Am I shy or outgoing:
(3 Points) Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules:
(6 Points) Whats my favorite color:
(3 Points) Name something I hate:
(4 Points) Name a talent I have:
(4 Points) Whats my phone number:
(4 Points) What kind of sneakers do I wear:
(5 Points) Do I have any pets:
(2 Points) Who am I dating/likeing right now:
(5 Points) How long have I been dating them:
(5 points) How tall am I:
(5 Points) What is my worst habit:
(5 Points on creativeness) If I were stranded on a desert island, what would I bring:

Please people! Try this out!!! Just comment all your answers or email me (

i'll send you your grade back

80-85 Points; Best Friend.
70-79 Points; Great Friend.
40-69 Points; Friend.
20-39 Points; You should hang out with me more! Ask me when.
00-19 Points; Either you're a crappy friend, or you're new friend!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

My Break in a Nut Shell

Well, here I am back at school for what will be the longest three weeks of my life. My Thanksgiving Break was very fun! Although I wish I could have hung out with certain people just a little bit more. Too bad there are only so many hours in a day and so many days off for break. Anywhen…Instead of giving you all a full blown account of my break, which would be extremely long and boring, I have decided to just point out the key moments. So here is my break in a nut shell.

~ Cold Stone Ice Cream with the girls- peanut butter ice cream + a brownie + chocolate fudge = yummy in my tummy
~ P @ D’s- wonderful night! Wonderful people! Wonderful fiancés!!
~ Visit to the Chiropractor- I was SO out of whack! Dr. Barry cracked me on my back, on my side, on my stomach…neck, back, wrists…It was glorious!
~ Playing HORSE with Katherine, Josh, and Greg- ok seriously…I suck at basketball. But I totally beat out Katherine, Josh, and Greg. That’s right…I’m awesome.
~ Eating at Broken Rocks with Tiffani, Katherine, and Brandon- That food is SO good! I swear I could eat there everyday!
~ Decorating our Christmas Tree and other various decorations- I AM SO IN LOVE WITH CHRISTMAS! It is my only true love and never disappoints me. Always keeps me happy! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the Lunt House.

~ Watching The Fountain- confusing movie it was. Plus I’ve never been in a movie theatre that was that silent in my life!
~ Eating every edible thing possible that was in my grandmother’s house on Thanksgiving Day- bad decision! Good food…but bad decision..
~ Steak N Shake trip at 1:30 a.m.- I wasn’t particularly hungry, but I ate…and felt sick six hours later when I had to go to church
~ Doing absolutely none of the homework I took home to do- Marissa will be up late tonight…

~ Trying to straighten my ear- AKA accidentally burning my ear while straightening my hair (not cool)
~ Trying to recreate Ashley’s Engagement Ring online and trying to find Bri’s wedding dress- Beautiful dress! Beautiful Ring! Happy for those two girls…but oh my gosh! How old and grown up did I feel after that?! I don’t think I’m ready for this yet. Lol. I am still a kid! I am still a kid!!
~ Sleeping in so late on Friday- I didn’t wake up until about 11:15. I didn’t want to waste that much of the day. I could have been doing something else…like seeing those friends.
~ Not going shopping on Black Friday- Josh wanted to so bad and I decided not to. But I’ve never done it before and it would have been so much fun. I should have!!! Plus, it would have prevented me from sleeping in…

So there is my Break in a nut shell. Besides a few other things that may have been important, and other things that were not important at all- that was it. It was a fairly decent break. I got a break from school, got to see my wonderful family and friends (especially those girlies of mine), got to see my kittens (Ginger and Pepper), ate some desserts, got a call from Clint in Georgia (even though I lost the call) and just relaxed. I didn’t get to cut my hair or spend time with certain people but other than that..this break should last me three weeks until I come home for Christmas Break, when I will cut my hair. Haha. Can’t wait!!!!!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

You Make Me Happy!


winning bets
surprising people with things
hot showers
Pearberry scent
breakfast foods (not neccessarily at breakfast time)
family get-togethers
summer clothes
playing the piano
cream puffs
Reece Pieces
Cheez Its
Honey Nut Cheerios
the color green
Audrey Hepburn
Green Tea
brown eyes
rock music
driving with the windows down and sunroof open
accents (on boys especially)
reading books on rainy nights
watching a movie for the first time
reading a book for the first time
seeing results after exercising
staying up all night long or into the wee hours of the morning talking
laughing so hard that I cry
remembering something funny and laughing about it
trying to tell someone a funny story, but laughing so hard at it that I can’t even tell it
old fashioned books with those ribbons for bookmarks inside
getting random phone calls from people in the wee hours of the morning
Anything Christmas

You Make Me Happy!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Fit of Randomness

I stayed up till 3:00 am on Sunday “night” watching Ben Hur for my Antiquity class. (It’s a long boring movie) I stayed up till 3:00 am on Monday “night” memorizing 35 new Greek terms along with the oh…90 I already have and studying for a Greek exam. Not to mention the 7 ½ page paper that I finished. I stayed up till 4:00 am on Tuesday “night” studying yet again for that Greek test, then woke up at 8:30 to study for an hour and a half, and then studied again from 11-2. I thought I would do terribly! But as it turns out I walked out of that classroom feeling relatively good about it. And as much as I HATE studying…I’m just glad that all that information decided to stay in my head. Needless to say- Mom and Dad all that money you are spending (although I’m paying you back for a good chunk) on my college education isn’t being wasted. I am working hard and studying myself crazy and trying to get A’s. Trying…

Every day for the past week now I have been craving my grandmother’s stuffing and baked apples. Actually I’m pretty much craving all those thanksgiving dishes..except Cranberry Sauce..never got into that…But here are my top five favorite things from my family’s’ thanksgiving feast.
1. turkey
2. stuffing
3. pumpkin pie
4. Aunt Mary’s sugar cookies
5. baked apples

I am pretty much done with anything hard in school until I come back from break. I have two tests that await me and that I might have to study for over break…but other than those it’s just homework from here until November 21st. YEA!!!

I like working out. I mean…I never want to actually go to the Rec and everyday I’m amazed that I actually get myself to leave the comfort of my dorm room (even though it’s actually freezing in here) and go. And although sometimes it’s a lot of work and I get really sweaty (gross I know..) I LOVE the way I feel afterwards! And more importantly, I LOVE seeing results! I’m trying to get as skinny as I can before Thanksgiving. That way I can eat my weight in food and not feel that bad about it. And I know that as soon as I get back to Miami it’s more Rec time.

I saw this really adorably cute black strapless dress ( that hangs a little below the knee on the Old Navy Website that would be sooo perfect with my purple sequenced sweater for Christmas. Is it ridiculous that I still want a new outfit for Christmas each year…that is so elementary schoolish of me but..oh’s pretty and me want. Not to mention it’s on sale for $20.00!! It was meant to be!

If you know me at all you know that I love to read. Every birthday and Christmas I ask for new books even though I haven’t finished reading all the ones I got the previous year. Well I don’t see why this Christmas should be any different. Although I never have time to read during the school year I can get two done over Christmas Break and at least 6 over the summer…at least. But I have a mental list of every book I want to read. Basically ALL the “classics” (Catcher in the Rye, Tale of Two Cities, Scarlet Letter..etc) and a lot more that I’ve heard about that sound good (Angels and Demons to name one). Seriously..I want to eventually own a copy of every single book I’ve ever read or plan to read. I want to have a huge library! With those sliding ladders and a spiral staircase leading up to a balcony where I can read by a fireplace. (Hey..a girl can dream right..)

I don’t understand boys. Period.

I want my hair cut so bad!! I’ve been letting it grow out so that I can get 10 inches cut off and donate it to Locks of Love. Well, I really, really hope that it’s long enough because I HATE it when it’s this long. I have no layers and it doesn’t do anything for the shape of my face…plus it takes a ridiculous about of time to blow dry and straighten it and it’s too long to scrunch. Sigh…I figure I’ll just wait until Christmas Break. But I’ll make my appointment right when I get home. I need a I can’t wait for short hair. Time to be daring!

I hope life it’s one big joke because I don’t get it! ~ Jack Handey

Monday, November 13, 2006

Yucky Love Stuff

So I’ve been thinking a lot about this whole love thing. True love, soul mates, love at first sight, hopeless romantics, Valentine’s Day, Sweetest Day, all that terrible love stuff…I have been thinking that maybe I don’t believe in any of it. I can’t decide. Most of my life I have been calling myself a hopeless romantic and have admitted to being a total stereotype girl when it comes to the gushy stuff and romantic gestures, but then I take a long hard look at my life and my past love experiences and realize that I am in fact a hopeless romantic. A romantic yes, but a hopeless one nonetheless.

Hopeless as in I have given up that there is actually a certain someone out there for me. One that will treat me the way I deserve to be treated and cares for me as much as I for them. Who will be a good boyfriend and want to spend all their time with you. Atleast, this is what I get from my mom. She keeps telling me that there is a boy out there for me like my dad was for her; apparently he was the perfect boyfriend. From all the stories though, I believe it. And it’s not like I don’t want to forget everything that’s going on right now and believe that I will be happy someday. It’s just that after all the guys I’ve ever loved not turning out to be quite like I was expecting and not quite as prince charming-like that I have been waiting for I just don’t know anymore. Why is it that I end up with these types of guys? I mean..I want things to work out..I want the guy I love to be the guy of my dreams…the guy that I’m going to end up with, but I can’t settle! I just don’t want to be one of those girls that is still single and unmarried looking for mister right in their late twenties.

Deep breath..I’m starting to rant. Where was I going with this? Oh yes…I want to be happy…who doesn’t?! I want the huge romantic gestures, the dates, the feeling. But I just don’t know if everyone was made to have a true love. I mean…my girlfriends and some guy friends and family know how to make me feel better and happy more than a boyfriend does. This has got to be a sign! Marissa wasn’t made to have a real love …just wonderful friends and family. Seriously…my friends and family are where I get all my romance from. As weird as this is going to sound…When I am having a bad week it’s my friends leaving me random comments of love, or my parents getting me a kitten and sending me a “get happy” card in the mail. It’s sisters who know when to watch your favorite movie and crawl into bed with you because you feel too lonely sleeping by yourself. It’s my friends wanting me to make sure to let them know I made it to school safely. My friends and family have been there thus maybe I don’t need a boyfriend. Maybe humans weren’t made to be in a single relationship…

Last week I had to watch Cleopatra for a class. Being a terribly long movie I got rather bored watching it…so I surfed the internet and ended up looking up stuff on Cleopatra herself; Elizabeth Taylor. Besides the fact that she has violet eyes (yeah..purple amazingly sweet is that!) she has been married eight times. Twice being to the same person; Richard Burton of course. And do you know how many times he was married? Five! Frank Sinatra: Four, Mickey Rooney: Eight I in the world?! Do you think these people believed in all this love stuff before each wedding, after each divorce? How can you believe that someone is your true love eight times?? And I know that there are those couples that make you want to grow old with one person, my parents for instance, but look at all the couples out there that just don’t work out! Maybe humans aren’t supposed to be monogamous because commitment is just too hard of a concept for some people to grasp. Commitment, dedication, time, effort, honesty all those elements that are required to make a relationship work..They are just too difficult to perform.

So, I have decided that for right now…I don’t want to believe in any of that yucky love stuff. Because every time I think I’ve finally got it figured out I’m proven wrong. So, bring on Thanksgiving Break, bring on nights out with my girls, nights in with my family, family get-togethers, food, going out to movies..anything…but this love stuff. I’m currently taking everything day by day. Who cares if I never mind that perfect guy, who cares if he’s right in front of my eyes but I’m too blind to see, who cares if someone suddenly decides to step up to the plate. I don’t care when it happens or if it ever does…I just want to be with friends right now because I’m too tired of all this love stuff. I guess it’s up to me to make myself happy cause nobody else is up for the challenge.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Can't Sleep

tonight I cried for the first time in a week
it’s sad to say but I missed the tears
tonight was the first time I didn’t have the strength
not to call you when I wanted to
it’s so hard trying to be strong
when it’s so much easier to crumble and fall
i find myself being revisited by all these memories and thoughts
of how life with you was or could have been
but the hardest part of it all is trying to come up with answers
to questions that I’ve been asking myself over and over again
and finding that there are no answers but only the fear of what’s to come

the saddest part is I’m not myself anymore
i put on a brave face and pretend to be getting better
when I really don’t know whether or not to believe it
i don’t giggle anymore
i used to giggle at everything but now nothings funny
i feel like I’ve lost myself
am I happier without you? or better off?
are you going to come to the realization of how great your life was with me in it?
or am I going to be given up on? just like I have been before?
i can’t stand to think about the future when I can’t even remember the past
the past as it really was and not what my naïve heart claimed it to be

but don’t I deserve to be happy?
don’t I deserve to have someone that lives for me
just as I would live for them
when after every heartbreak my mother tells me she doesn’t understand
doesn’t understand why these things happen to me
because I’m such a wonderful and beautiful girl
a great catch that any man would be lucky to have
yet I always flock to the ones that break my heart
she used to say that us Henley’s are easy to fall in love with and hard to get over
i find that impossible to believe when I’m the one that falls to easily
and I’m the one that makes getting over relationships hard

is there something wrong with me?
do I push to hard? do I love too much?
do I overwhelm you with the way I want you to be?
do I set my standards for love too high?
impossible to reach?
am I impossible to love?
so impossible that you end up not caring and just push me aside?
or is it you? you and every other one before?
i don’t even know who’s fault it was anymore
i think I blamed you but it’s hard to recall
i try to play it all again but it’s just too painful

so if there are no answers is there at least hope?
it’s so hard to tell when I’m trying my best to forget you
and I don’t even know how you are dealing with the change
it’s hard not talking to you everyday
and even harder to make myself ignore the million things that remind me of you
i don’t have the answers and I know you don’t either
but I hate living in a world where I’m just supposed to believe
believe that everything will work out in the end
whether it’s with you or someone new who knows
all I know is I want to be happy again
so I’m left here waiting and hoping until all my questions are answered

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

I LOVE friends!!! I have some of the most amazing friends ever. It’s not like they do anything special it’s simply that they are there for me! And lately I have been feeling very very depressed, which has most definitely been obvious. And most of the time I don’t really want to talk to anybody about things..sometimes I do just because they are concerned. But the fact that I know they are all there for me. If I don’t want to talk about things that is alright with them, but if I do they tell me to not hesitate to call them because they care about me and love me.

A few days ago I just started talking again to Brandon and Ashley. I had a “fall out” with Ashley over the summer and hadn’t talked to her in about two and a half months. But just a few days ago she told me that she was here for me and we both apologized and she knows what I’m going through right now and she’ll always be here for me just like I’ve always been there for her. That’s what friends are for. We haven’t talked in so long but everything is back to normal just like that. I feel sooo much happier that we are talking again because although I’m depressed for other reasons a part of me was always missing and now I feel better because I have Ashley again!! Thank you Ashley! I love you!!

And knowing that Brandon and I are talking again, after a little thing that went on, makes me feel SO much better as well. Just talking to my friends makes me feel better about my life right now. No matter what is going on..with school…or boys..or me personally just talking to them makes me realize how great my life really is- even though it may not seem like it sometimes.

So, I love all my friends! My true high school friends: Amy, Tiffani, Beth, Brandi and Ashley; my college friends: Mallory and Megan; my family friends: Katherine, Lauren, Twila, and Brittany; my oh so handsome guy friends: Greg, Josh, Brandon; and my old/new friends: Andrew, Seth, Jessica, and Will. I love all of you. No matter if we haven’t talked in forever, if we only talk once every two weeks, or talk everyday…I am thankful for you.

It’s the random text messages (Brandon), or text conversations ( the conversations on aim, the letters from a good guy who is all the way in Georgia at basic training but still has time to write me (Clint), the random myspace comments of love (Jessica), the knowing when to stay in and watch a favorite movie (Katherine), the comments left on my xanga/blog entries, it’s EVERYTHING!!!

I love you guys and thank you all for everything. I’m getting better, I promise. Atleast I’m trying really really hard. Just know that I am here for every one of you as well. Whenever, Whatever, I’m here.

P.S. Family is great too!!! Thanks mom and dad! I love you too. I would love you even more though if you let us keep two kittens!! : )