Breakfast at Marissa's

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Learn Something New Everyday

Here are some things you may not know about Marissa:

1. I am a crazy hopeless romantic but lead a very very non-romantic life. I wish though...Although most of the romantic comedys out there are really corny and sappy..I still can't help but letting out a very girly "aw...." everytime I watch them. Dude..guys...if you want to know a way to make your girlfriend fall head over heels for romantic. Be creative. Surprise her. Shower her with love..and It's the small things that count. I'm not saying a guy needs to spend all his money on me. Not in any way. There are tons of things you can do that is less expensive than jewelry and what not. If you need tips watch some movies or come talk to me. It's just romance is definately the key to this girls heart.

2. I am a little obsessive cumpulsive. I's bizarre, but oh so true. For instance..I like symmetry. But..oddly only on certain things. For instance, I can't just wear one ring. I have to wear one on each hand on the same fingers..every time. Also, what really bothers me is when someone's sleeve is accidentally flipped up it must be fixed!!! Can't stand that!!! Personally..I think everyone has a little OCD, but mine is just a little lol.

3. I hold grudges..but at the same time am very forgiving. The thing is that if you do something that pisses me off or someone hurts me. I forgive them yes..because who can stay mad at someone you love or one of your best friends. you know.. But it really helps if that person does something nice for me to make up for it or to make me see how sorry they really are. I only think I'm this way because when I do something wrong or bad I make up for it. I don't just apologize and expect everything to be ok. And the forgiving part. I have really only never forgiven one person in my whole life..and I'm sort of feeling bad about that right now..because I think that this person has actually changed since sophomore year. But anywhen...I have been known to give people multiple and multiple chances when they mess's just in my nature. Without sounding too conceited..I'm just a nice person. Although I sometimes consider being forgiving a curse in certain circumstances. It's my tragic flaw..what can I say.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I Want To Break Free

When I first got my cell phone I couldn't wait till I could pick out a ringer for it. I wanted the perfect ringer too. It had to be a song I wouldn't get tired of hearing over and over and over again. It had to be one that sounded good as a ringer and not extremely annoying. It had to actually sound like the original song so that people would be able to tell what it was right away. And it had to be a "Marissa" song. One that when people would hear it they would think of me because you's a "Marissa" song...

Well..I've been through many ringers since I've had a cell phone. I've had two cell phones and about a handful of ringers in just about 2 1/2 years. I've had "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" and "Paint It Black" and the Theme to Inspector Gadget and "Wouldn't It Be Nice" and (the one I have now) "I Want to Break Free".

So, as you can tell a lot of thought goes into people's ringers. Atleast I hope it's the same for everyone or else I'm just really comes the point..ready??

After so much time and energy into this thought process lately I have been a little disappointed with the amount of times I hear that special song of mine coming from my phone. Infact this past week or so I've barely ever heard it. It's gotten so bad that I sometimes don't recognize it. Like, for instance, when I did hear it a lot I would be able to hear it over music or from a different room heck even floor of my house. I even use to hear it when it didn't ring...But now..not so much. It sort of bothers know?

What's even worse is the fact that I'm starting to hear a different sound all the time. It still comes from my phone. But instead it's three small high beeps and it's the sound my phone makes when I recieve a text message. Lately, especially this past week, I have gone through a zillion texts. My inbox and outbox can both hold 50 before I have to erase them and I've had to clear it out just about twice a day each day for the past few days. Was that sentence confusing? tee hee.

So, it's not like I don't like text's just that 1. i guess the people who have been texting me wouldn't call me or i shouldn't be calling anyway.. 2. i wish my friends (even a certain "friend") would call me sometimes. Don't get me wrong..I'm not in this depressed "nobody like me" kind of mood. I'm having fun hanging out with who I'm hanging out with recently. But I would still like to hear the faint ringing of "I Want to Break Free". Is that too much to ask for? I mean...since I put so much time into picking the song out why shouldn't I get to hear it get put to good use. Plus..did I mention I payed to get the song? So..yeah...