Breakfast at Marissa's

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I would consider myself a decently funny girl. If you know me I’d hope you could say the same. I mean…I have a good sense of humor, enjoy a good pun, and can even appreciate those lame jokes that are just so stupid their funny. Today in my Design class I made a small joke and the whole class and professor laughed at it. Nothing too out of the ordinary for me. I mean…I speak up and make jokes all the time, especially in my smaller classes. Well my professor said to me “Marissa, you’re getting funnier as you get older”. Um…thanks Gion? How do I take something like that? As I get older? For one I’ve only known this professor for a little over a year so I’ve only gotten one year older. Does that mean I wasn’t funny a year ago?

I guess it has something to do with the fact that the class I had him in last year- I hated! So, needless to say I didn’t necessarily have a great time in the class. Also, for some reason last year I reduced my personality back to what it was my freshman year in high school. (not cool!) I was shier, and not as outgoing. I think it was just because I wasn’t sure if I liked Miami and I was a little intimidated by the people here. I didn’t have a lot of friends and let’s just say I wasn’t as happy as I am now with everything- classes, friends, majors, Miami… But now is a completely different story. I’m funnier I guess because I’m my old self again- if not more improved. I’m not shy, I speak up in classes, I’ve made friends, and I LOVE my majors!! So, I guess I could take this as a compliment? Yes? Maybe? It’s one of those ambiguous comments. I’ve been familiar with those before…

This past Thanksgiving break I went home and my friends Josh and Greg came over to my house. The first thing Greg said to me was “You look healthy”. Um…thanks Greg? I look healthy…as opposed to looking- what- sick? hm… I guess I could take it as a compliment right. Considering I hadn’t seen him in probably a little over a month or so, maybe longer. And also considering that it was just a month after I had broken up with Matt, so looking healthy would be a good thing I suppose. But still…what a bizarre way to put it.

Example #3. I don’t remember if it was this year or last year or what month it was. But Katherine and I were at the McMullen school helping mom’s class make paintings with their hands (soooo cute!) and Mrs. Warbel (the Principal who basically watched K and I grow up) came in to say hi. The first thing she said to us was “College is agreeing with you girls”. Um…thanks Mrs. Warbel? Another compliment I presume. I don’t really understand this one though. I guess it just means that we are looking good? Better than we did when we were in high school? I don’t know. lol. Either way…I’ll take it. Such a weird thing to say though.

Well, that’s it from this funny, healthy, good looking girl! : )

Thursday, March 22, 2007

What A Girl Wants

I can only remember a few times in my life when I was 100% happy in a relationship. This is actually really rather sad. But by 100% I mean no doubt in my mind about not wanting to be with this person, and me being really in love, and me liking that person for who they are, and them making me happy.

But you know what …only being truly happy in a relationship a few times is NOT good! The good times should outweigh the bad. I mean…by a lot! It should be a million to one! I don’t necessarily say that I regret any of my past relationships…that would be wrong. I’ve learned from them I think. Well…now I have. I’ve realized that I need to be treated a lot better than I have been in past relationships. EVERYONE deserves to be treated well by their boyfriends! (including you Baloo- DON’T YOU DARE SETTLE!!!)

My mom sent me this little thing via email- 26 Things A Perfect Guy Would Do. I remember getting this email about five years ago and just seeing it again reminds me of how ridiculous some of the stuff is. My mom says my dad does all 26 things which I believe because of all the stories I’ve heard and the scrapbook my mom made of their relationship.

1. Know how to make you smile when you are down.
2. Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice.
3. Stick up for you, but still respects your independence.
4. Give you the remote control during the game.
5. Come up behind you and put his arms around you.
6. Play with your hair.
7. His hands always find yours.
8. Be cute when he really wants something.
9. Offer you plenty of massages.
10. Dance with you, even if he feels like a dork.
11. Never run out of love.
12. Be funny, but know how and to be serious.
13. Realize he’s being funny when he needs to be serious.
14. Be patient when you take forever to get ready.
15. React so cutely when you hit him and it actually hurts.
16. SMILE a lot!
17. Plans a romantic date full of cheesy things he wouldn’t normally like
19. Help others out.
20. Drive 5 hours just to see you for 1.
21. Always gives you a peck on the cheek when you depart from each others company, even when his friends are watching.
22. Sing, even if he can’t!
23. Have a creative sense of humor.
24. Stare at you.
25. Call for NO reason.
26. Quit smoking, chewing, drinking or drugs – just because he loves you that much to quit.

This list made me 1. laugh 2. go through the list and find out how many my past boyfriends have done. haha. and 3. want to start my own list. So, I narrowed the list down to what I feel are the important ones and then added some of my own. This is MY list of 15 things (because that’s my fav. number) the perfect guy would do to make me 100% happy. Is this asking for too much??

1. Know how to make you smile when you are feeling down (but a lot of people can do this for me)
2. His hands always find yours (I love holding hands…)
3. Be funny but know how to be serious, and realize when he’s being funny when he needs to be serious (This is very important because some things just need to be taken seriously)
4. Be patient when you take forever to get ready (which I do usually)
5. APPRECIATE YOU!! (Probably the most important one)
6. Drive 5 hours just to see you for 1 (Now that’s love!! And if Tiffie can do it than a boyfriend can!)
7. Call for NO reason
8. Quit smoking, chewing, drinking, or drugs- just because he loves you that much to quit (even though I would never date a smoker, chewer, or someone who did drugs but this is still a good idea)

9. Be completely honest (I don’t tolerate liars at all)
10. Share your feelings on occasion (You don’t have to be all emotional/feely all the time..only when it’s important)
11. Know how to take a compliment!
12. Be romantic. (either cheesy or creatively.. girls like romance. and need it!)
13. Fight for me! (whether physically or not. I need a fighter..not a sissy who just gives up)
14. Treats my family and friends with the same friendliness and respect that you give me
15. Do the little things that count (whether it’s a surprise gift, making my fav. food, or even sending me random text messages of love)

The only reason I made this entry was because of the girls out there who need to know how they deserve to be treated in relationships. Especially for you (you know who you are) And also a little for me so that next time (even though I’m nowhere near ready for a next time) I know not to settle. Next time I deserve to be 100% happy. If I can do all 15 of these things for a guy…he should be able to do all 15 for me.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Swimsuit Time!!! since summer is almost here it is time to look at new bathing suits. I haven't had a new regular bathing suit in two years since every year I just get a new lifeguard one. Well this year I'm getting a regular one cause I am not lifeguarding. So, here are three bathing suits that I am trying to decide on. Yes, they are all green. But if you know me at all then you should understand. Tell me which one you like best! No matter who you are. The more opinions the better! PLEASE!!! I hate making decisions.

Option 1 (polka dots)- more of a green green

Option 2 (stripes)- more of a lime green

Option 3 (stripes and solid bottom)- more of an olive green

Monday, March 12, 2007

In The Shower Today

I was in the shower this know...getting clean and after about seven or eight minutes into the shower I noticed I wasn't singing. This may not be very shocking to some of you but to me this was very shocking ..kind of bizarre actually. I love singing and do it just about every second of every day (a little exaggeration to get the point across was needed). But I noticed that every since I went off to college and got reduced to showering in a public bathroom I don't sing in the shower anymore. It's sort of depressing. I guess I just never sing at college because I don't want to bother other people who are showering or the people who come in and out of the bathroom throughout my shower time. Also, although I think I sound the best in the shower in actuality I probably don't- at all. And I don't want to make an ass out of myself...So I've just sort of programmed myself into not singing in the shower. Therefore, when I come home I always feel like I'm doing something wrong or something is missing in the shower.'s the singing. And I miss it. Next time I'm in there I'm totally singing. But knowing me I'll forget until right when I step out and then I'll just be even more frustrated. sigh...

Since I wasn't singing in the shower I had time to notice other things going on. For instance, not only can I shave my legs faster in my shower at home than I can in college but I can also shave them without one knick. See, the shower at home is bigger and therefore I have more space and can shave my legs relatively fast..impressive fast. But because the bathroom light at college is so dark I always feel like I'm showering at night and I always end up with atleast one little knick. Not at home I guess I didn't need to pack those Spiderman band aids..

When I was shaving my legs though...since I had a light bright enough to actually see what I was doing I noticed a bruise on my left leg right above my knee..Where did that come from? I know I bruise easily (thankfully though not as easily as my mom) but usually I notice the bruises that appear from nowhere. This one I had not noticed...weird...

While I was checking out my bruise I noticed how nice my calves are getting. This made me happy! I love that I'm starting to see results from all the exercising I've been doing and the fact that I have not had any desserts in two weeks. I love getting in shape. I feel so much better about myself. I know if I say that I want to lose weight or get in shape or something everyone yells at me and says I don't need to and that I'm already skinny enough as it is. But you know what...if I want to change my body I don't see what the big deal is. I'm being healthy about it- exercising and watching what I eat- It's not like I suddenly became annorexic. And if someone isn't happy with their body they should be able to do something about it. I want to get in shape and lose a few pounds for ME. Everything can be summed up in that one scene in American Beauty where Kevin Spacey goes to his neighbors' house to ask them if he can start working out with them. They ask what it is he wants to work on and he says "I want to look good naked". It makes sense cause nobody sees me naked but myself. It's all for ME. haha

Overall I'd say this was a rather productive shower. But next time hopefully I will be thinking less and singing more.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Well, my hell week is OVER and I am PUMPED!! Yes, if you happened to talk to me last week, which is unlikely considering I was never around to talk to, unless you are those select few who also happened to be up from 11 pm – 7 a.m, then you would know how much I was freaking out last week. Because of costume shop the week before I was behind in just about every class, so not only did I have to do my homework from the previous week but I also had stuff for the current week. Yes, I had three plays to read, various readings (like five Anthropology chapters and Women’s Studies packets), a five page paper, a mid term, and a painting project for Design class.

I was a busy bee and barely got any sleep. In fact, I pulled all nighters on Wed. night and Thursday night. That’s right…two in a row. By the time Friday rolled around I was falling asleep in my 11 am class, after having been at work 9-11 that morning and getting no sleep. The teacher was understanding though. Then I took my mid term at 12 and had worked on a new painting project from 1-3. And what did I do after classes? Drove home for 3 ½ hours only to watch a three hour play with mom and grandma, and getting home, but not going to bed until 2. IT WAS NUTS!! I hope I never have to do it again! But that’s not likely.

Anywhen….I’m just here to say that Marissa is soo much happier now than she was last week. She is not as stressed and has a little more free time, to work out too. She no longer has dark circles under her eyes, and isn’t walking around either in a daze or all hyper because she’s sleep deprived. She’s getting her full seven hours of sleep at night- most nights. lol. (remember…I’m still a night owl) I’m just so glad that I got to enjoy my weekend! It was looked forward too for a very long time..and now this week is a breeze and I am PUMPED!!!!!

I find myself getting pumped and extremely excited about things lately. Like, when I found out the White Stripes are coming out with a sixth album! YES! Icky Thump is on its way and I can not wait! Dear I say..I'm PUMPED! Also, Billy Joel concert in April. The $130 ticket I was not excited about…but the concert/experience will be priceless! haha. Also, I’m going to see Pirates of the Panzance in April as well. GLORIOUS! Heck I was even bizarrely enthused when I read that Kevin Smith named his daughter Haley Quinn Smith! How wicked is that! (For those of you who don’t know who Harley Quinn need to brush up on your Batman. or just
click here.) But the thing I’m most excited about??!

SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!! This Friday is the start of a ten day break that I’ve been waiting for since Jan. 9th. Sure I’m not going anywhere but dear little old Loudonville, and sure Amy, Tiffani, Brandi, and Ashley will not be home, and sure I have no money to do anything too crazy, but it’s a break nonetheless which means sleeping in and no homework. Color me Ecstatic!

There are a few things I’m pumped about over break though. They include: The movie 300, seeing Aaron in Urinetown, seeing Josh , Will , and Brandon , and hopefully Bri and Beth, family time, and lastly…a little P @ D –ing it up! (hopefully) It shall be a very relaxing and wonderful break and I couldn’t be more…

Sunday, March 04, 2007

What A Difference 2 Months Can Make

Marissa's Thoughts December 13:

Warm chariot arise
Wipe the sleep out of my eyes
Now it’s time to breathe
Winters just too long
And it keeps dragging on
I need some time for me

There’s too much pain in the memories
Did you think you’d ever change
I can hear the hope of a new life
But it only gives me pain
You can tell that I’m just not the same
The days they seem so long
I’m left wondering if what I did was wrong

The frost it makes me cold
My heart it turns to loathe
Like it never did before
Dead things are all I see
You haven’t come back to me
I can’t think of you no more

There’s too much pain in the memories
Did you think you’d ever change
I can hear the hope of a new life
But it’s drowning in the rain
You can tell that I’m just not the same
I pretend to carry on
When every hope of happiness is gone

You can hear it in my voice
The uncertainty of choice
Was it all a huge mistake
Another perfect snow white dream
Watch the snowflakes as they gleam
Until you realize it’s all fake

There’s too much pain in the memories
Did you think you’d ever change
I can hear the hope of a new life
And I run to where it came
You can tell that I’m just not the same
This long winter never ends
But I hear spring is just around the bend

I know every season must come to an end
And I won’t be looking back to where I’ve been
Is this long winter almost to an end
Someone make my longest winter end

Marissa's Thoughts March 4:

Don't tell me not to fly
I've simply got to
If someone takes a spill
It's me and not you
Don't bring around the cloud to rain on my parade

Don't tell me not to leave
Just sit and putter
Life's candy and the sun's a ball of butter
Who told you you're allowed to rain on my parade

I'll march my band out
I'll beat my drum
And if I'm fanned out
Your turn at bat, sir
At least I didn't fake it, hat, sir
I guess I didn't make it

But whether I'm the rose of sheer perfection
A freckle on the nose of life's complexion
A Cinderella or a shiny apple of an eye
I gotta fly once
I gotta try once
Only can die once, right, sir?
Ooh, life is juicy
Juicy and you see
I gotta have my bite, sir

Get ready for me love'
Cause I'm a "comer"
I simply gotta march
My heart's a drummer
Don't bring around the cloud to rain on my parade

Get ready for me life,
'cause I'm a "comer"
I simply gotta march,
my heart's a drummer
Nobody, no, nobody, is gonna rain on my parade!