In The Shower Today
I was in the shower this know...getting clean and after about seven or eight minutes into the shower I noticed I wasn't singing. This may not be very shocking to some of you but to me this was very shocking ..kind of bizarre actually. I love singing and do it just about every second of every day (a little exaggeration to get the point across was needed). But I noticed that every since I went off to college and got reduced to showering in a public bathroom I don't sing in the shower anymore. It's sort of depressing. I guess I just never sing at college because I don't want to bother other people who are showering or the people who come in and out of the bathroom throughout my shower time. Also, although I think I sound the best in the shower in actuality I probably don't- at all. And I don't want to make an ass out of myself...So I've just sort of programmed myself into not singing in the shower. Therefore, when I come home I always feel like I'm doing something wrong or something is missing in the shower.'s the singing. And I miss it. Next time I'm in there I'm totally singing. But knowing me I'll forget until right when I step out and then I'll just be even more frustrated. sigh...
Since I wasn't singing in the shower I had time to notice other things going on. For instance, not only can I shave my legs faster in my shower at home than I can in college but I can also shave them without one knick. See, the shower at home is bigger and therefore I have more space and can shave my legs relatively fast..impressive fast. But because the bathroom light at college is so dark I always feel like I'm showering at night and I always end up with atleast one little knick. Not at home I guess I didn't need to pack those Spiderman band aids..
When I was shaving my legs though...since I had a light bright enough to actually see what I was doing I noticed a bruise on my left leg right above my knee..Where did that come from? I know I bruise easily (thankfully though not as easily as my mom) but usually I notice the bruises that appear from nowhere. This one I had not noticed...weird...
While I was checking out my bruise I noticed how nice my calves are getting. This made me happy! I love that I'm starting to see results from all the exercising I've been doing and the fact that I have not had any desserts in two weeks. I love getting in shape. I feel so much better about myself. I know if I say that I want to lose weight or get in shape or something everyone yells at me and says I don't need to and that I'm already skinny enough as it is. But you know what...if I want to change my body I don't see what the big deal is. I'm being healthy about it- exercising and watching what I eat- It's not like I suddenly became annorexic. And if someone isn't happy with their body they should be able to do something about it. I want to get in shape and lose a few pounds for ME. Everything can be summed up in that one scene in American Beauty where Kevin Spacey goes to his neighbors' house to ask them if he can start working out with them. They ask what it is he wants to work on and he says "I want to look good naked". It makes sense cause nobody sees me naked but myself. It's all for ME. haha
Overall I'd say this was a rather productive shower. But next time hopefully I will be thinking less and singing more.
Since I wasn't singing in the shower I had time to notice other things going on. For instance, not only can I shave my legs faster in my shower at home than I can in college but I can also shave them without one knick. See, the shower at home is bigger and therefore I have more space and can shave my legs relatively fast..impressive fast. But because the bathroom light at college is so dark I always feel like I'm showering at night and I always end up with atleast one little knick. Not at home I guess I didn't need to pack those Spiderman band aids..
When I was shaving my legs though...since I had a light bright enough to actually see what I was doing I noticed a bruise on my left leg right above my knee..Where did that come from? I know I bruise easily (thankfully though not as easily as my mom) but usually I notice the bruises that appear from nowhere. This one I had not noticed...weird...
While I was checking out my bruise I noticed how nice my calves are getting. This made me happy! I love that I'm starting to see results from all the exercising I've been doing and the fact that I have not had any desserts in two weeks. I love getting in shape. I feel so much better about myself. I know if I say that I want to lose weight or get in shape or something everyone yells at me and says I don't need to and that I'm already skinny enough as it is. But you know what...if I want to change my body I don't see what the big deal is. I'm being healthy about it- exercising and watching what I eat- It's not like I suddenly became annorexic. And if someone isn't happy with their body they should be able to do something about it. I want to get in shape and lose a few pounds for ME. Everything can be summed up in that one scene in American Beauty where Kevin Spacey goes to his neighbors' house to ask them if he can start working out with them. They ask what it is he wants to work on and he says "I want to look good naked". It makes sense cause nobody sees me naked but myself. It's all for ME. haha
Overall I'd say this was a rather productive shower. But next time hopefully I will be thinking less and singing more.
At 11:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
wow u have too much time on your hands... I was jealous at first then I was like 'no I hate goin home and havin nothin to do'... so I am not jealous anymore but, I do miss you!
p.s. I hope you thought about me a lil' in that shower...I will be very upset if not!?!?! ;-)
At 11:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
p.s.s. by the way that was your fiance!!!!!!
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