Which Brings Me To My Next Point
I love snow just as much as the next person. Trust me…I really LOVE snow. If you don’t believe me just scroll down and read the entry entitled Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let it Snow. It says it all. But what I do not like is this slushy snow or really bad ice. I mean, it is amazingly ridiculous how many times I have slipped and almost fallen down in the past few weeks. I do it just about five times a day I swear. It’s not cool. I haven’t actually fallen yet, just looked really stupid. But I know I will eventually…it’s bound to happen with those odds. Especially since I have NO traction on my shoes WHATSOEVER. (Sorry for all the capital words but I have to get the point across somehow) Which brings me to my next point…
I need new tennis shoes for multiple reasons. They have no traction on them of course which makes it difficult to walk thirty feet without slipping. Also hard to work out at the Rec because I can’t even do a simple plank or keep my balance on the ball when I have no traction. Another thing is that my tennis shoes have this mesh material around the toes that is kind of see through. My socks can be seen through, which means that if it is raining or snowing or if there is slush everywhere you can bet my little sockies will get wet. That they do. It gets really frustrating, not to mention unpleasant to walk in. I do realize that I bought them so it is my own fault if they have this mesh, but to be honest I just didn’t think about it being a problem when I bought them. I saw them, fell in love with them, because they are green and SWEET, and bought them. And really…I don’t regret it. But they are just getting too old. I’ve gotten good use out of them!! But it’s time for a new pair. I have had them for a while. I got them almost a year and a half ago. Actually it will be exactly a year and half on Feb. 20. Which brings me to my next point…
I have been blessed with an AMAZING (there goes the capital words again) memory. Seriously…it astounds me sometimes. Not only can I memorize pages and pages and pages and more pages of school notes. Flashback to Mr. Stoners World History class, Biology I, Biology II, and of course who could forget how crazy I was in Government. I could literally sit there and say all my notes practically word for word in order and if you are wondering…it totally paid off. All A’s! J But my talents do not stop there…I have a specific memory too. For instance I remember so many things from my childhood, specific memories. My mom tells me that I should start writing memories down because I won’t remember them when I’m older but I honestly think that I will never forget any of them. Like, I was in kindergarten when I lived in Columbus and I remember everything from living there. My home, everyone on my street, even all the houses house plans. I remember my teacher, my classes, I even remember my old phone number. (876-6372) I think that’s a lot to remember from Kindergarten. Also, my sister and I will hear a song or be watching a movie and we will remember the exact moment we first heard the song or saw the movie and who we were with and where we were. I'd say that's pretty cool.
I am especially gifted at remembering dates too, which is how I remembered when I got my shoes…because it was two days before I started my freshman year of college. March 27, 1998- the day I got my braces on in 5th grade. June 9, 2003- my first kiss. November 4, 2003- day I got my drivers license Junior Year. I remember the dates I’ve started relationships with guys and of course the dates we’ve broken up. (which is really a curse if you ask me) I remember people’s birthdays. If you are a close friend or family member of mine I probably know your birthday. (Sorry for the unnecessary detail. Just trying to prove my point) Amy- April 8, Ashley- May 28, Beth- November 4, Tiffani- October 3, Twila- Jan. 20, Brittany- Feb. 25, Josh- Jan. 8, Will- March 7, Brandon- May 21, Katherine- May 6. Mine- MAY 6 !!!! Which brings me to my next point…
It’s less than three months till my birthday!!! YEA!!! I know there is no need to really get excited three months ahead. But I’m going to anyway. lol. My birthday mean I will no longer be a teenager. The big 2-0. I will be two decades old. A score old. (thank you President Lincoln for allowing me to know how long a score is.) Everyone should be excited for their birthdays. It’s a special day!! I always try to make people’s birthdays special. And I’m not trying to be greedy…but who doesn’t love birthdays when presents are associated?! So, since my birthday is relatively close I can start thinking about what I want, besides new tennis shoes of course. lol. The main thing I saw that made me start thinking about other presents I might like is this book I came across. It’s called No One Cares What You Had for Lunch: 100 Ideas for Your Blog. Wouldn’t that be great?!! My blog could be filled with neat, interesting stuff instead of just random thoughts that ran through my head while walking back from Anthropology this morning. I am sorry that I do not have the book already.
I need new tennis shoes for multiple reasons. They have no traction on them of course which makes it difficult to walk thirty feet without slipping. Also hard to work out at the Rec because I can’t even do a simple plank or keep my balance on the ball when I have no traction. Another thing is that my tennis shoes have this mesh material around the toes that is kind of see through. My socks can be seen through, which means that if it is raining or snowing or if there is slush everywhere you can bet my little sockies will get wet. That they do. It gets really frustrating, not to mention unpleasant to walk in. I do realize that I bought them so it is my own fault if they have this mesh, but to be honest I just didn’t think about it being a problem when I bought them. I saw them, fell in love with them, because they are green and SWEET, and bought them. And really…I don’t regret it. But they are just getting too old. I’ve gotten good use out of them!! But it’s time for a new pair. I have had them for a while. I got them almost a year and a half ago. Actually it will be exactly a year and half on Feb. 20. Which brings me to my next point…
I have been blessed with an AMAZING (there goes the capital words again) memory. Seriously…it astounds me sometimes. Not only can I memorize pages and pages and pages and more pages of school notes. Flashback to Mr. Stoners World History class, Biology I, Biology II, and of course who could forget how crazy I was in Government. I could literally sit there and say all my notes practically word for word in order and if you are wondering…it totally paid off. All A’s! J But my talents do not stop there…I have a specific memory too. For instance I remember so many things from my childhood, specific memories. My mom tells me that I should start writing memories down because I won’t remember them when I’m older but I honestly think that I will never forget any of them. Like, I was in kindergarten when I lived in Columbus and I remember everything from living there. My home, everyone on my street, even all the houses house plans. I remember my teacher, my classes, I even remember my old phone number. (876-6372) I think that’s a lot to remember from Kindergarten. Also, my sister and I will hear a song or be watching a movie and we will remember the exact moment we first heard the song or saw the movie and who we were with and where we were. I'd say that's pretty cool.
I am especially gifted at remembering dates too, which is how I remembered when I got my shoes…because it was two days before I started my freshman year of college. March 27, 1998- the day I got my braces on in 5th grade. June 9, 2003- my first kiss. November 4, 2003- day I got my drivers license Junior Year. I remember the dates I’ve started relationships with guys and of course the dates we’ve broken up. (which is really a curse if you ask me) I remember people’s birthdays. If you are a close friend or family member of mine I probably know your birthday. (Sorry for the unnecessary detail. Just trying to prove my point) Amy- April 8, Ashley- May 28, Beth- November 4, Tiffani- October 3, Twila- Jan. 20, Brittany- Feb. 25, Josh- Jan. 8, Will- March 7, Brandon- May 21, Katherine- May 6. Mine- MAY 6 !!!! Which brings me to my next point…
It’s less than three months till my birthday!!! YEA!!! I know there is no need to really get excited three months ahead. But I’m going to anyway. lol. My birthday mean I will no longer be a teenager. The big 2-0. I will be two decades old. A score old. (thank you President Lincoln for allowing me to know how long a score is.) Everyone should be excited for their birthdays. It’s a special day!! I always try to make people’s birthdays special. And I’m not trying to be greedy…but who doesn’t love birthdays when presents are associated?! So, since my birthday is relatively close I can start thinking about what I want, besides new tennis shoes of course. lol. The main thing I saw that made me start thinking about other presents I might like is this book I came across. It’s called No One Cares What You Had for Lunch: 100 Ideas for Your Blog. Wouldn’t that be great?!! My blog could be filled with neat, interesting stuff instead of just random thoughts that ran through my head while walking back from Anthropology this morning. I am sorry that I do not have the book already.
At 3:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well said.
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