The Eleven Days of Christmas
My Christmas break so far has been very eventful and lots of fun. I will just sum up the past eleven days leading up to Christmas Day because I’m sure the entry after Christmas will be all about what I got, how much food I ate, and how much I love my mom and dad. So… on that note…my eleven days of Christmas.
Day 1- Thursday the 14th. A day full of sleepy Marissa studying for finals. John and Matt came over to study EDT, took that final, then studied FOREVER for Theatre History and wrote my 3 ½ page paper for it. Finally went to bed at 5:30 only to wake up two ½ hours later to study more.
Day 2- Friday the 15th. I got done with my last final (theatre history) around 2. That class can burn in hell! I had a horrible finals week and only got 3 hours of sleep a night I swear. So by the time 2 rolled around I was so ecstatic. You couldn’t have wiped that smile off my face for anything and I was so hyper! So, I met my family in Columbus where we saw Cats. Cats was AMAZAZING!! I didn’t know what to expect because you’s not a very popular show because it’s been way too overdone on Broadway. But I loved it!
Day 3- Saturday the 16th. We went to visit my expecting cousin Tanya and her hubby Chad. They have a beautiful house and will soon have a beautiful daughter. Then we went shopping. And considering I didn’t have any presents bought yet and we spent all day shopping you’d think I would have gotten a good start. But I only got two presents out of the many many that I needed yet. Then I came home and went to Clint’s home coming party. It was really fun and it was GREAT seeing him again.

Day 4- Sunday the 17th. I accidentally missed church because of lack of sleep Saturday night and the 8 nights before. I slept in then went to see Tenacious D Pick of Destiny with Amy and Josh. It rocked my socks off!!! Then went and made hard tac at G-ma’s. Fun Fun.
Day 5- Monday the 18th. I went to the Chiropractor (thank God for Chiroptractors), then helped mom out in the classroom, got ten inches cut off my hair for locks of love (that took a lot of guts), and then went to Mansfield with Josh and Will.
Before After

Day 6- Tuesday the 19th. Katherine and I woke up early and spent about 8 hours shopping. And I still didn’t get all my presents done. Jeeze. Then Tiffani and I went over to Clint’s house to hang out with him and all the boys.
Day 7- Wednesday the 20th. I went to mom’s school again and spent all day with her awesome Kindergarten class. Then I went to watch a movie and hang out with Clint.
Day 8- Thursday the 21st. Woke up very early after about two hours of sleep and drove to Put In Bay with mom, dad, and Katherine. Caught the 10:00 boat and spent all day visiting with dad’s relatives and my four adorable little cousins. Good times…good family.
Day 9- Friday the 22nd. Woke up early again after once again..little, little sleep (the story of my life) and caught the 9:30 boat back to the mainland. Stopped at Sandusky to do a tad bit more shopping. I think I finally got it done. P.S. I wonder how much in debt I am going to be for spending money on gifts when I have no money to spend. Oh well…it’s Christmas and I wouldn’t have it any other way. We were going to go clubbing with tons of people Friday night but things got messed up and instead Brandi and I went over to hang out at Clint’s with him and Grant.
Day 10- Saturday the 23rd. I woke up and did randomness around the know…cleaning, wrapping presents, laundry, ran some errands, went up to clean my grandma’s bathrooms (P.S. I wonder if I will ever get over my supreme hatred for cleaning bathrooms. Because I look at my mom and even Katherine and they don’t mind it..but someday I will be a mother and cleaning my own house and what not and I HATE cleaning bathrooms..) Then we hosted a gingerbread house party with lots of candy and fun. My gingerbread house was pretty sweet…but it totally caved in because I didn’t put any supports inside. But, overall a good attempt at my first gingerbread house. Now I know better for next year. After that was over Brandi and I went out to Clint’s to hang out with all the boys. (I swear I’ve been to his house just as much as mine this break…and I’ve seen those boys almost as much as I saw them over the whole summer.)
Mine is the one on the far left in the back row..

Day 11- Sunday the 24th. Christmas Eve !!! YEA!! A beautiful lazy Sunday. Today I woke up with a stupid cold, throat so sore that I couldn’t swallow, a shooting pain in my head, feeling more groggy than ever, and a very stuffy/runny nose. I tried to grin and bear it so I went to church, but was only there for a half hour before I decided to come back home. So I slept for four hours which was glorious. Woke up and basically did nothing except random things like write this entry. I am currently wasting time until midnight mass tonight and then the annual after mass party at Lauren and Twila’s house. Gotta love those Henley’s.
So, I will write about the Twelfth Day of Christmas tomorrow and about all the glorious things that will come. Sorry this was so long and thanks for sticking with it till the end. Merry Christmas!
Day 1- Thursday the 14th. A day full of sleepy Marissa studying for finals. John and Matt came over to study EDT, took that final, then studied FOREVER for Theatre History and wrote my 3 ½ page paper for it. Finally went to bed at 5:30 only to wake up two ½ hours later to study more.
Day 2- Friday the 15th. I got done with my last final (theatre history) around 2. That class can burn in hell! I had a horrible finals week and only got 3 hours of sleep a night I swear. So by the time 2 rolled around I was so ecstatic. You couldn’t have wiped that smile off my face for anything and I was so hyper! So, I met my family in Columbus where we saw Cats. Cats was AMAZAZING!! I didn’t know what to expect because you’s not a very popular show because it’s been way too overdone on Broadway. But I loved it!
Day 3- Saturday the 16th. We went to visit my expecting cousin Tanya and her hubby Chad. They have a beautiful house and will soon have a beautiful daughter. Then we went shopping. And considering I didn’t have any presents bought yet and we spent all day shopping you’d think I would have gotten a good start. But I only got two presents out of the many many that I needed yet. Then I came home and went to Clint’s home coming party. It was really fun and it was GREAT seeing him again.

Day 4- Sunday the 17th. I accidentally missed church because of lack of sleep Saturday night and the 8 nights before. I slept in then went to see Tenacious D Pick of Destiny with Amy and Josh. It rocked my socks off!!! Then went and made hard tac at G-ma’s. Fun Fun.
Day 5- Monday the 18th. I went to the Chiropractor (thank God for Chiroptractors), then helped mom out in the classroom, got ten inches cut off my hair for locks of love (that took a lot of guts), and then went to Mansfield with Josh and Will.
Before After

Day 6- Tuesday the 19th. Katherine and I woke up early and spent about 8 hours shopping. And I still didn’t get all my presents done. Jeeze. Then Tiffani and I went over to Clint’s house to hang out with him and all the boys.
Day 7- Wednesday the 20th. I went to mom’s school again and spent all day with her awesome Kindergarten class. Then I went to watch a movie and hang out with Clint.
Day 8- Thursday the 21st. Woke up very early after about two hours of sleep and drove to Put In Bay with mom, dad, and Katherine. Caught the 10:00 boat and spent all day visiting with dad’s relatives and my four adorable little cousins. Good times…good family.
Day 9- Friday the 22nd. Woke up early again after once again..little, little sleep (the story of my life) and caught the 9:30 boat back to the mainland. Stopped at Sandusky to do a tad bit more shopping. I think I finally got it done. P.S. I wonder how much in debt I am going to be for spending money on gifts when I have no money to spend. Oh well…it’s Christmas and I wouldn’t have it any other way. We were going to go clubbing with tons of people Friday night but things got messed up and instead Brandi and I went over to hang out at Clint’s with him and Grant.
Day 10- Saturday the 23rd. I woke up and did randomness around the know…cleaning, wrapping presents, laundry, ran some errands, went up to clean my grandma’s bathrooms (P.S. I wonder if I will ever get over my supreme hatred for cleaning bathrooms. Because I look at my mom and even Katherine and they don’t mind it..but someday I will be a mother and cleaning my own house and what not and I HATE cleaning bathrooms..) Then we hosted a gingerbread house party with lots of candy and fun. My gingerbread house was pretty sweet…but it totally caved in because I didn’t put any supports inside. But, overall a good attempt at my first gingerbread house. Now I know better for next year. After that was over Brandi and I went out to Clint’s to hang out with all the boys. (I swear I’ve been to his house just as much as mine this break…and I’ve seen those boys almost as much as I saw them over the whole summer.)
Mine is the one on the far left in the back row..

Day 11- Sunday the 24th. Christmas Eve !!! YEA!! A beautiful lazy Sunday. Today I woke up with a stupid cold, throat so sore that I couldn’t swallow, a shooting pain in my head, feeling more groggy than ever, and a very stuffy/runny nose. I tried to grin and bear it so I went to church, but was only there for a half hour before I decided to come back home. So I slept for four hours which was glorious. Woke up and basically did nothing except random things like write this entry. I am currently wasting time until midnight mass tonight and then the annual after mass party at Lauren and Twila’s house. Gotta love those Henley’s.
So, I will write about the Twelfth Day of Christmas tomorrow and about all the glorious things that will come. Sorry this was so long and thanks for sticking with it till the end. Merry Christmas!
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