10 Movies to make me smile : )
I turned on the tv yesterday and the movie Groundhog Day was on. I haven't seen this movie in SUCH a long time. It's one of my mom's all time favorite movies (right up there with Camelot) and I know even she hasn't seen it is a while. This made get to thinking which movies I haven't seen in a while that I know would put an instand smile on my face. Here's what I came up with.
1. The Very Thought of You- GREAT movie, but not well known at all. It's with Joseph Fiennes (total cutie) and Monica Potter. (the girl who resembles Julia Roberts and was in Head Over Heels with Freddie Prinze Jr.)
2. Baby's Day Out- How can you not get a kick out of this movie.
3. Secret Admirer- An 80's movie with Kelly Preston as the "hot popular girl" and a young Lori Laughlin (Becky from Full House).
4. From Dusk Till Dawn- George Clooney(acting) + Quentin Tarantino(writing and acting) + Robert Rodriguez(directing) + vampires = brilliance
5. American Outlaws- Not the greatest movie of all time...and although it has Colin Ferrell (thumbs down ) in it before he got famous I still remember liking it. I wonder if it's actually decent or I just have a really bad memory.
6. Baby Geniuses- Great movie. Little kids are so adorable.
7. The Parent Trap- I'm talking about the 1961 version- not the Lindsay Lohan one. There is something so charming about Hayley Mills as a teenager and Katherine and I used to sing that "Let's Get Together" song all the time when we were little.
8. Swiss Family Robinson- A Classic oldie! I was obsessed with this movie at one point in time because my ultimate dream is to live in a huge tree house! Who wouldn't? And this tree house is AMAZAZING! Plus, I remember the oldest brother, Fritz (James MacArthur), being very rugged and handsome. lol.
9. Happily Ever After- My sister and I just happened upon this movie in a video store once. It is like Snow White 2 except that I don't believe it's Disney and it's about the 7 Dwarfs cousins (all girls) and Snow White has to save the prince. It's interesting but we loved it! And it has random people's voices like Zsa Zsa Gabor and Carol Channing (whom I am convinced has the worst voice in the world- especially when she plays Dolly in Hello Dolly).
10. Hackers- A brilliant movie that is becoming more popular with time I believe. Many many years ago (it came out in 1995) when I first saw it not many people had ever heard of it. Then I was shocked to here Sam had seen it, and then all the band people saw it on their way to Disney or something, and just recently I found out it is one of my cousin, Josh's, favorite movies. SWEET! I'm glad people are actually finding out about this movie. It has a young Angelina Jolie with short short hair that might actually be a wig and her first real life husband (yes...before the Billy Bob Thorton incident and the Brad Pitt shocker) Johnny Lee Miller (who in my opinion is much better looking than Billy Bob).
So, there are the ten movies that came to mind. I would pretty much LOVE to watch any one of them right now- especially since what I have to do is study for more finals. If you have not seen some of these movies I encourage you to rent them and then invite me over
1. The Very Thought of You- GREAT movie, but not well known at all. It's with Joseph Fiennes (total cutie) and Monica Potter. (the girl who resembles Julia Roberts and was in Head Over Heels with Freddie Prinze Jr.)
2. Baby's Day Out- How can you not get a kick out of this movie.
3. Secret Admirer- An 80's movie with Kelly Preston as the "hot popular girl" and a young Lori Laughlin (Becky from Full House).
4. From Dusk Till Dawn- George Clooney(acting) + Quentin Tarantino(writing and acting) + Robert Rodriguez(directing) + vampires = brilliance
5. American Outlaws- Not the greatest movie of all time...and although it has Colin Ferrell (thumbs down ) in it before he got famous I still remember liking it. I wonder if it's actually decent or I just have a really bad memory.
6. Baby Geniuses- Great movie. Little kids are so adorable.
7. The Parent Trap- I'm talking about the 1961 version- not the Lindsay Lohan one. There is something so charming about Hayley Mills as a teenager and Katherine and I used to sing that "Let's Get Together" song all the time when we were little.
8. Swiss Family Robinson- A Classic oldie! I was obsessed with this movie at one point in time because my ultimate dream is to live in a huge tree house! Who wouldn't? And this tree house is AMAZAZING! Plus, I remember the oldest brother, Fritz (James MacArthur), being very rugged and handsome. lol.
9. Happily Ever After- My sister and I just happened upon this movie in a video store once. It is like Snow White 2 except that I don't believe it's Disney and it's about the 7 Dwarfs cousins (all girls) and Snow White has to save the prince. It's interesting but we loved it! And it has random people's voices like Zsa Zsa Gabor and Carol Channing (whom I am convinced has the worst voice in the world- especially when she plays Dolly in Hello Dolly).
10. Hackers- A brilliant movie that is becoming more popular with time I believe. Many many years ago (it came out in 1995) when I first saw it not many people had ever heard of it. Then I was shocked to here Sam had seen it, and then all the band people saw it on their way to Disney or something, and just recently I found out it is one of my cousin, Josh's, favorite movies. SWEET! I'm glad people are actually finding out about this movie. It has a young Angelina Jolie with short short hair that might actually be a wig and her first real life husband (yes...before the Billy Bob Thorton incident and the Brad Pitt shocker) Johnny Lee Miller (who in my opinion is much better looking than Billy Bob).
So, there are the ten movies that came to mind. I would pretty much LOVE to watch any one of them right now- especially since what I have to do is study for more finals. If you have not seen some of these movies I encourage you to rent them and then invite me over
At 8:17 PM,
Cupcake Blonde said…
I'm a huge Joseph Fiennes fan and The Very Thought of You is one of my favorite films, one because he's in it and two because it is actually such a great movie. Very sweet and makes me fall for Joe more and more every time I see it.
I love From Dusk Til Dawn...George Clooney is so good in it with the right amount of gruff nochalance and cool rolled into a brotherly love package. Plus it has vampires, so how can you go wrong.
And Hackers?! I thought I was the only one who loved this movie about computers and the Internet made before all that stuff was cool. I've always been a big Johnny Lee Miller fan and he and Angelina have great chemistry. Can't see why those two ever broke up.
Oh, I found your site through my Google Joseph Fiennes alert. It sends me the links whenever someone talks about him. Told you I was a fan!
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