Breakfast at Marissa's

Friday, December 01, 2006


So, today is December 1st. The beginning of the most glorious month. That's right! It is officially Christmas Time. So you'd think that I would be in a super duper good mood. Well, I'm not in an absolute TERRIBLE mood because I'm totally going home tonight till Saturday night. (only basically 24 hours but it is much needed) But at the same time, I'm not as happy as I should be. Maybe it's because those finals are lurking around the corner and I still have a quiz in Greek, a workbook in Stagecraft, and a 6-8 page term paper due in Antiquity. All due before finals week. AH!!! Or maybe it's because I was a complete lazy ass this week and did not go to the rec! er!!! Dang you Thanksgiving Break and all your glorious food and relaxation that made it so hard for me to get back into the "swing of things". sigh... I am sure that you are tired of me ranting...but you are going to have to hang in there for a few more paragraphs because this entry is not over and I have some venting to do. So, my list of things that are pissing me off today.

1. For the whole semester I have created a permanent study spot and position which is on my bed laying on my stomach and elbows. Well, due to this position my elbows have become red, dry, and sore. But I can't seem to be comfortable studying in any other way or any other position. Which sucks because this position also screws up my back really bad. So, my back hurts, my elbows hurt, and I'm dreading finals week when I will be fixed in this position for basically 5 days straight.

2. Every time I have a Physical Science Exam I study and am pretty happy with my knowledge of the material. But then I end up taking the exam and realize that this teacher SUCKS! She tries to trick you on the exams (even though she says during every class "if you know the material you will do fine- I lay it out exactly as it is in notes) Bull crap Dr. V! And not only does she try to trick you, but she won't answer any of the questions you have. Every time I ask her a question she answers "you need to know that". Duh! I know I do..but I don't understand your stupid question! Like, she won't even explain if by 'and' she means 'and' or 'plus'. And they are very different. ER!!! So, out of 60 questions..I probably guessed on about 7 or 8 of them..and that's not good.

3. My phone, after a week and a half of working perfectly fine and normal, has no decided to be crap again. WHY!!!??? I thought it fixed itself by some miracle or maybe because God actually does like me..but no..he was just messing with me. ha ha. Funny God...very funny...So, phone is on the fritz again. sigh..

4. I am so behind in Greek and Antiquity. I don't know how I let it happen. I guess it first started by me procrastinating over Thanksgiving Break, and then having a two hour conversation with Matt (which maybe wasn't the best addition to my already depressed mood) instead of doing my homework. And then I don't know why I put it off the other days. So now, I have to read about 100 pages of stupid stuff about Nero and The Fall of the Roman Empire. Man...

5. Did I mention I haven't been to the Rec all week? Yeah..I suck...

6. The weather is nuts! I'm glad that it is not sunny and hot and I'm glad that it's not rainy and humid. But seriously if it's going to be this windy the least you can do, Mr. Weatherman, is MAKE IT SNOW!!! Come on..just an inch or two. Come on...come on...

Well, that is it. I don't know if I feel exactly 100 % better after getting all this down on "paper" but it'll all work out I'm sure. Just 15 days till Christmas Break. That's it! Hang in there! Atleast I have those amazazing friends of mine. Especially Brandon, Josh, and Tiffie right now.

(hey...atleast I ended this rant with a smiley face!)


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