For Pete's sake!!!
Every time I go to the bathroom on the second floor in Porter Hall I leave thinking about the same thing. What is PX!!!??
First off I want to say that what is people's obsession with writing/carving things on the back of the bathroom stalls? Are you really that bored while you are sitting there? Are you really there that long that you must write a complete sentence on the door? I don't get it. And not only why do you write but also ...why do you write what you write? I mean...there are some bizarro things written on the doors in this bathroom. For instance:
Okay... I know they say that September 11, 2001 will be remembered forever. I agree. It was a big, tragic thing that shaped America and the lives in it...etc. They also say that it's just like when Kennedy got shot. If you were alive then, and assuming you were old enough to remember the significance, you will always remember where you were and/or what you were doing when you found out about 9/11. But why do you need to write the date on the back of a bathroom door? Were you right there when you found out? Does it stand on the door as a reminder of Patriotism or a memorium to those who perished? hm...I don't know...
Next... the disturbing ones. The specific one I am currently talking about is the oh so helpful and inspiring exclamation of "prevent rape...say yes".'s soo funny and soo...inspirational. Just reading that makes me realize two things 1. I need to spread the word, get out there and try to prevent saying..yes?? and 2. there are some pretty stupid people out there.
This next one is the most common of course. Dear Amanda, I know that you love Jason. Jason knows that you love him. But do I have to be reminded of it everytime I go pee?? I mean..lets think about this Amanda. Jason is obviously a boy right...and this is a girls restroom. He's not going to use it and every other person who uses it don't even know Jason...and maybe not even you for that do they really care that you love him. I think not. Don't get me wrong..I'm a hopeless romantic and am therefore all cool with the oh so sweet boy carving him and his girlfriends initials with the heart around it in the tree when they went camping or for a picnic. But...don't you think you can be a little more classy and romantic than putting your vow of undying love on the door of a restroom stall. Come on Amanda...go hiking with Jason for Pete's sake. Because Pete cleans those stall doors and he frankly doesn't care either.
This last one is the most annoying and confusing one yet. What the heck is PX?? It is written on almost every stall. If it's not just plain Px it is "PX rules" or "PX sucks @#%$". So, although I do not know what PX is...apparently it has supporters and non- supporters. Who've thought that something on the bathroom stall was so controversial. But once again...why on the bathroom stalls? Why is that necessary?
So, back to my question. What is PX? Everyday I think of this and I never come up with a decent answer. If PX is a cool way of saying Porter Hall (which would be a confusing nickname) than I am indifferent on the debate. Porter Hall seems to me to be an okay hall. The only real problem is that they haven't turned the heat on yet so I am FREEZING and that there is no ice machine. So, usually when I like ice to munch on when I am studying (don't ask me why I do's just something Katherine and I got in the habit of doing last year) I am going to have to find something candy or something. And that is BAD! Now...if PX stands for someone's Penelope Xavior...than once again I am indifferent. I don't know Penolope so I can't really say if she rules or sucks. But with a name like that I'd hope she'd have a pretty good personality...for her sake. Lastly if PX is a fraternity/sorority than once again..I am left indifferent. Although, I must admit I am not a huge fan of frats/sororities. It's all that "typical" fraternity boy or sorority girl that really bothers me. Plus, there are too many of those people here at Miami. Although, maybe this PX is a good frat/sorority. Who knows!? Not me!!
But seriously...WHAT IS PX??? And why am I forced to read about it everyday while I use the bathroom?
First off I want to say that what is people's obsession with writing/carving things on the back of the bathroom stalls? Are you really that bored while you are sitting there? Are you really there that long that you must write a complete sentence on the door? I don't get it. And not only why do you write but also ...why do you write what you write? I mean...there are some bizarro things written on the doors in this bathroom. For instance:
Okay... I know they say that September 11, 2001 will be remembered forever. I agree. It was a big, tragic thing that shaped America and the lives in it...etc. They also say that it's just like when Kennedy got shot. If you were alive then, and assuming you were old enough to remember the significance, you will always remember where you were and/or what you were doing when you found out about 9/11. But why do you need to write the date on the back of a bathroom door? Were you right there when you found out? Does it stand on the door as a reminder of Patriotism or a memorium to those who perished? hm...I don't know...
Next... the disturbing ones. The specific one I am currently talking about is the oh so helpful and inspiring exclamation of "prevent rape...say yes".'s soo funny and soo...inspirational. Just reading that makes me realize two things 1. I need to spread the word, get out there and try to prevent saying..yes?? and 2. there are some pretty stupid people out there.
This next one is the most common of course. Dear Amanda, I know that you love Jason. Jason knows that you love him. But do I have to be reminded of it everytime I go pee?? I mean..lets think about this Amanda. Jason is obviously a boy right...and this is a girls restroom. He's not going to use it and every other person who uses it don't even know Jason...and maybe not even you for that do they really care that you love him. I think not. Don't get me wrong..I'm a hopeless romantic and am therefore all cool with the oh so sweet boy carving him and his girlfriends initials with the heart around it in the tree when they went camping or for a picnic. But...don't you think you can be a little more classy and romantic than putting your vow of undying love on the door of a restroom stall. Come on Amanda...go hiking with Jason for Pete's sake. Because Pete cleans those stall doors and he frankly doesn't care either.
This last one is the most annoying and confusing one yet. What the heck is PX?? It is written on almost every stall. If it's not just plain Px it is "PX rules" or "PX sucks @#%$". So, although I do not know what PX is...apparently it has supporters and non- supporters. Who've thought that something on the bathroom stall was so controversial. But once again...why on the bathroom stalls? Why is that necessary?
So, back to my question. What is PX? Everyday I think of this and I never come up with a decent answer. If PX is a cool way of saying Porter Hall (which would be a confusing nickname) than I am indifferent on the debate. Porter Hall seems to me to be an okay hall. The only real problem is that they haven't turned the heat on yet so I am FREEZING and that there is no ice machine. So, usually when I like ice to munch on when I am studying (don't ask me why I do's just something Katherine and I got in the habit of doing last year) I am going to have to find something candy or something. And that is BAD! Now...if PX stands for someone's Penelope Xavior...than once again I am indifferent. I don't know Penolope so I can't really say if she rules or sucks. But with a name like that I'd hope she'd have a pretty good personality...for her sake. Lastly if PX is a fraternity/sorority than once again..I am left indifferent. Although, I must admit I am not a huge fan of frats/sororities. It's all that "typical" fraternity boy or sorority girl that really bothers me. Plus, there are too many of those people here at Miami. Although, maybe this PX is a good frat/sorority. Who knows!? Not me!!
But seriously...WHAT IS PX??? And why am I forced to read about it everyday while I use the bathroom?
At 6:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why do you read the writings on the stall door? Are you really that bored while you are sitting there? Are you really there that long that you must read everything written on the door?
The truth is you have nothing better to do, and if you had a pen and something you wanted to say you would probably join in. It's like you're allowed to write anything you want on the front page of a newspaper. You can't have any actual discussion so all that's left are jokes and statements of fact and opinions.
I enjoy reading things written on the wall, and must say that the "help stop rape: consent" joke was hilarious when i first heard it.
At 6:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Double post...
The most commonly accepted definition of PX is 'a type of military convenience store.'
At 9:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
PX in the military sense is short for the 'post exchange', the military store on each base (post) - I doubt if that is the intended meaning? You're the Greek expert, any sorority/frat connection?
At 9:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Speaking of restroom writing, the one I always liked in men's room above urinal was "what are you looking up here for, the joke's in your hand....". Another oldie but goodie - "we are the people our parents warned us about...."
At 10:26 PM,
Marissa said…
yeah...i admit that i do enjoy reading the writings on walls/stalls and whatnot. but i think it's just the fact that these ones are getting so old because i read them three or four times a day. because i too thought the rape one was funny patrick but i've just read it sooo many times...yours are funny too dad. oh..and PX in Greek would just be Pi Chi but I am not sure if it really exists. so..the mystery continues..
At 10:37 PM,
Marissa said…
and speaking of other bathroom writings..i read one once that said "If you tinkle and you sprinkle, Be a sweetie wipe the seatie" I thought it was sort of humorous.
At 8:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
A monogram and symbol for Christ, consisting of the superimposed Greek letters chi (Χ) and rho (Ρ) is known as the Chi Rho. You will see this symbol in many Catholic churches.
The joke about rape, I don't really find funny at all. It is actually disturbing to me. I've read some funny stuff on bathroom stalls, but I agree that some things are just baffling.
Were you typing your blog, on your lapton, while sitting on the stall?
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