Lost Summer
As the summer ends I am left with the thought of wondering when it began. When did it happen? Was I even there? Summer went by so fast! Sure, at the time it seemed slow. Working, hanging out with friends, family, and Matt took up most of my time. But I look back and realize that I barely did any of the things I wanted to do. The things I promised myself I would finally do and not put off till the next summer..where they would probably be put off forever.
I did get to do a few of the things on my never ending list however. For instance, I got to:
~go for a ride on Matt's motorcycle- on the back of course. Yep..I guess he finally got tired of me mentioning it and wanted to shut me up..so I win
~hang out with new people (i.e. Josh, Andrew, and Bri)
~started playing Tennis and let me tell you..it is awesome! I suck..but practice makes perfect and I intend to play here at Miami so that I can someday beat Greg and Josh
~go to Put In Bay with my girls. Now, Ashley ditched us yet again (but let's not talk about that) but we had Bri come this year. So, it was a great group of girls (Bri, Beth, Amy, Tiff, Kevin, and me) and we had a great time
~go to Put In Bay with Lauren and Twila. Our 5th annual summer trip. This one was just as great as the past trips. If you're thinking why would someone want to go to PIB as much as I do..wouldn't it be boring? Well you obviously have never been there and you are wrong
~see some of the people who graduated with me. How did I accomplish this?? By going to all the P at D's of course. The Black Light Party, the Formal, the bonfire, the Toga Party, and of course Cowboys vs. Indians. And yes..I dressed up for all of them because I'm that cool.
~try fish- yep..Matt made me three different kinds of fish. It wasn't terrible. I just prefer chicken you know..I am pretty sure I would have liked it better if I had either rice or something else to go with it or even sauce would have been great. But..it's all good.
~put all of my pictures into photo albums..this took FOREVER!! I have tons!! of photos. and that doesn't even count the ones on my computer that I don't have hard copies of..but those are next. lol.
So with all the fun things you learned I did. What could I possibly be dissapointed with not doing? Well..I'm glad you asked...Here's my list of the things I should have done..but didn't get to for one reason or another..Not all of them are my fault ok!
~Go to Put In Bay with Matt- I guess we just never found a time for going what with him being away for two weeks for Guard and then another two weeks for Vacation and both of us working. Oh well...maybe next year???
~Go clubbing with the girls- we mentioned it so many times but never set a date
~Go fishing- i know what you're thinking...but seriously I want to!
~Go to ceder point- i don't even know why I want to do this..but it was mentioned and never brought up again..
~Go golfing- just to see what it's about..but nobody showed any interest in taking me
~Learn the rest of Fur Elise and my Mom's "happy song" on the piano- I didn't get the rest of Fur Elise until just recently so I couldn't learn the rest. Luckily I brought it to Miami and will continue to put it off (i mean learn it) here. As for the "happy song" I will have to wait till I'm home again as my mom is the only one I know who knows it.
~Take piano lessons- I just never got around to it..I was busy with work and babysitting and having fun that I didn't. This is one of my biggest regrets
~Visit Mallory- I so so so should have done this!! But I could only go during weekends and it seemed like there was always something going on during the weekends. But it's all good because I can see my lovely rommie(ex now) anytime I want now.
So, I guess you could say the summer was half productive and half not..I just hope that next summer goes by slower and I do the stuff I want to do. I should just be spontaneous and do it all!! Who wants to be spontaneous with me? I can think of one person ...
So, here's to a fast school year, a slow summer, and the new spontaneous Marissa!
At 8:04 PM,
Katherine said…
A fast school year and slow summer? I'll drink to that!
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