Breakfast at Marissa's

Monday, April 17, 2006

My Fault?

As I sit at my computer desk finishing the paper that was due three hours ago via internet I am left to stare at all the people slowly turning their away messages to various bed descriptions or even sounds..and I am left to wonder why the hell I am still awake?
Why am I still awake writing this paper? Why am I still awake fretting about getting the rest of my homework done for tomorrow? What am I still awake worrying about the next two weeks of school and all the stupid papers I have left to write (approximately 10 by the way).
Is is because I procrastinate? And that it takes me three hours to write a three page paper? Because I check people's profiles, talk to people, imdb, play solitare, and write xanga entrys instead of doing this homework? Possibly..
Or is it really just the fact that college sucks and my professor's hate me. Isn't it really just that they expect too much out of a student and don't realize that assigning a project to a group of six students over Easter Weekend is just a stupid idea. Isn't it really just that they don't realize that some students don't care what Richard Boleslavsky has to say about acting. Isn't it really just that Professor's don't realize that writing 87 papers in 8 months is just ridiculous! Isn't it because society puts so much pressure on students to go to college and get a "real job" and join the "real world". When in reality wouldn't it be much more fun to be kids our whole lives. I mean..come on..think about it..who wants to grow up? it really my fault that I stay up till the wee hours of the morning writing papers, reading, and doing homework getting five hours of sleep or is it college, professors, and the worlds views in general?
That's what I thought...


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