Breakfast at Marissa's

Monday, March 20, 2006

My Spring Break

Well here I am back at school with only six weeks left to go. It's hard to believe that in six weeks I will be done with my freshman year of college.'s weird growing up. REALLY WEIRD! I should have went to Neverland. sigh... spring break went well. I didn't really do anything but it was sure relaxing. I went to visit Amy at Bluffton and also got to see Scott at Ohio Northern. That was a nice little trip. We even drove to Bowling Green to go dancing at this club/bar/whatever. I missed my Amy Dot..can't wait till summer so I can see her all the time. I saw two movies over break. Crash, which was good! No wonder it won those Oscars. The other one I saw was Failure to was cute. Plus it had three really good looking guys in it. (Matthew McConaughey, Justin Bartha, and Bradley Cooper)

I got to see my family a good amount. We had a wedding shower for my cousin Josh's fiance Shannen. So, it was just all the girls. Specifically my awesome hilarious cousin Brittany. That was fun. Got to hang out with Mom and Dad as well. It was their anniversary on Saint Patrick's Day, but dad was sick so mom, k, and I went downtown to eat at Broken Rocks and to the town "Ladies Night" thing. We got a characters drawing of the three of they do at Cedar Point and whatnot. That was neat. Mom wants to frame it and hang it up somewhere. lol...she's silly.

I did get a surprising amount of homework done over break. Infact I got everything done except for one extra credit Greek Civ thing. I was surprised that I actually did everything I took home. I did gain a little weight over break because I only exercised three days. sigh. It's hard going from working out everyday to just not. lol. Oh well..I'm back to going to the Rec I have to make up for this past week. But in two days it will be exactly three weeks since I've eaten any desserts. Not even on Sunday people! I am so strong! I'm half way there. Woo Hoo!! Oh..bad news. I found out I have to get my wisdom teeth taken out over summer. So..I get home the 5th, wedding to go to and my birthday on the 6th and then wisdom teeth taken out on the 9th. Oh well though..I just want to get it over with.

Lastly, I got to see Matthew!!! Which was pretty much my favorite part of break. I tried to spend as much time with him as I could because it will be a while before I see him again. I can't come home again till Easter which is four weeks away. So..depending on if he visits me not I could see him in two weeks or I could see him in four. But it was just GREAT to be able to see him everyday. I can't wait till summer!!


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