Spring Break Come Now!!
So, I’ve decided that I waste too much time on the internet. It used to not be so bad though. Like, I’d waste time by doing things that actually kept me interested. I’d check my email and then I’d talk to some people. Like, if I had time to spare, I’d get online. But now, it’s just getting ridiculous!!!
Firstly, I have this routine that I go through EVERY time I get on my computer. Even if I got on at 12 and went through this “routine”, if I got back on even an hour later I’d do everything again..just incase something changed. So..I check my hotmail email than my Miami email. Then I go to my xanga..now blog as well…then I go to quicktime to see if there are any new movie trailers..and if there are then I go to IMDB to see details about the new ones. Then I go to facebook. Now, granted I spend a little time at each site..reading peoples entry’s, looking at other movies on imdb, wasting time on facebook. But it gets worse! Not only do I do these things all the time, but I am starting to get bored with them. Atfirst it was I was bored in my life so I’d surf the internet, now I’m getting bored surfing the internet. Sometimes I’ll play Solitare, or Pinball.
But I’m just wasting so much time when I could be doing other things! Like..sleeping!!! That would be great! Although, I do already take naps just about every other day. I could..go to the Rec more. Now..I have been going to the rec literally every day (except for two) in the past two weeks..so that is already good enough I think. I get all my homework done..so it’s not like I need more time for that..although I shouldn’t do papers at 2 in the morning the day they are due.. So..what else can I do? Honestly, there is nothing else to do. I would LOVE to start a new book..because I got so many for Christmas that I haven’t started yet, but they thing is that I already read soo much stuff (books, plays, short stories, articles) for all my classes..and I mean ALL of them ..that I don’t really want to get caught up in a good book. If I got caught up in a good book than I wouldn’t want to read the ones I have to for classes. Sigh….
Well, I guess this is just the way I’ve been feeling this week in general. Other weeks haven’t been this bad. It’s just that this week were mid terms..but I had all mine last week. So I only had four papers due this week and I got them all done by Monday. Therefore, I had a lot of time this week. I did have other homework, but it was mainly just reading ..again. So, maybe it was just this week that has been so bad. Hm..
Anyway..I guess it is just soo pathetic that 1. I waste so much time on the internet ..doing either nothing or the same things over and over again. And 2. that I get bored doing them..yet I still do them because I can’t think of anything better to do? ..I need to get out more..
I just need this spring break ..BIG TIME!! I need to go home and NOT waste away the day..which I usually don’t do at home..which is good. I have things to do and to look forward to doing at home. Who cares if I have a lot of homework..I still get to do the simple fun things that I miss oh so much.
Things I am looking forward to:
~ Visiting Amy at Bluffton
~ Seeing all my friends (Tiff, Britt, Greg, Will, Brandon)
~ Seeing my family!!!
~ Helping mom out at the McMullen school with all the cute little kindergardeners
~ Seeing Matt!!! [especially if he makes me dinner..; ) eh??!! ]
~ Eating 1. homecooked meals and 2. at broken rocks
~ Playing my piano!!
~ Seeing my kitty
~ Did I mention Matt??
So..basically I AM NOT GOING TO WASTE MY SPRING BREAK!! Because I do enough of that here. And I am only going to get on the internet if I really need to..like to check movie times or something. I wish tomorrow would come sooner!!
At 6:57 AM,
. said…
told you blog is way better,
and you dont want to see me?! UGH! I'm APPALLED!
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