Breakfast at Marissa's

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Change of Heart Part II

Maybe my heart is leading me towards...Classics! Classical Humanites is my minor but I am going to bump it up from an 18 credit hours minor to a 24 credit hours major. Therefore I will have two majors. BTW..Classics for anyone who doesn't know is like Greek/Roman basics. Mostly greek though. You cover art, acrchitecture, civilization, mythology, Greek or Latin language, philosophy, etc.

I am taking two classics courses right now. Mythology and Greek Civilization. And I love it! Mythology is soo awesome! I took it before my freshman year of high school with Pearly and that was cool (one of my favorite classes ever in high school). But this mythology class just goes so much more in depth and the teacher is really cool. Not only do we work on the mythological stories but we are reading Homer's Iliad and Odyssey and other works from other playwrights as well like Aeschylus (The Orestia), Sophocles (Oedipus, Oedipus in Colonus, and Antigone), and Euripides (Medea). I love them all! Specifically Homer though.

And Greek Civ at first I wasn't too into, but now I like it. Well..atfirst all we did was spend the whole period frantically writing down everything the prof. said. But now we not only write down notes but we started looking at lyric/epic poetry from different poets (my fav is Sapho) and also philosophers/historians/playwrights like Socrates (even though he didn't write anything), Plato, Aristophanes (Lysistrada), and Euripides again (Trojan Women). first we were learning the Persian War and now we are doing the Peloponnesian War. Which, to me, is so much more interesting. Next is the reign of Alexander the Great. Anywhen, I like it now.

And I can't wait until next semester next year because I get to take Greek as a language and of course more classics classes. And junior year I am going to go to school abroad either in or near Greece. I have everything planned out already.

Anywhen...the point is that I really really like Classics..maybe more than Theatre. I can't decide. I may want to teach Classics one day. Like at a college. With both majors I can do either Theatre of Classics. But...I can only go to Graduate school for one thing..because I don't want to be in college until I'm 30 (exaggerating). I don't know....I have a long time to decide since I don't graduate undergraduate school for another three years. Sooo...I have time. I just can't wait until next year so I can get more experience in Theatre and Classics.

Sorry to bore anyone..this is just what I've been thinking about recently.


  • At 9:02 PM, Blogger Jimmy said…

    Maybe you've already covered this, but.. what exactly IS Classics?

  • At 9:06 AM, Blogger Marissa said…

    Classics for anyone who doesn't know is like Greek/Roman basics. Mostly greek though. You cover art, acrchitecture, civilization, mythology, Greek or Latin language, philosophy, etc.

  • At 1:24 PM, Blogger . said…

    HAHA, this is hilarious. Cuz i just learned of Wooster's program in this and i'm going to minor in it and possibly major too! HAHA! so funny, especially after you almost did Film! The hard part is i'd like to double major in History and Classics and minor in Film... but i doubt you can, or it'd be REALLY hard at wooster.

  • At 3:03 PM, Blogger Marissa said…

    i was actually thinking about minor in film..but you're right..there is NO way i can pull it off. I have a hard enough time as it is. by the are a total copycat kenny g


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