Breakfast at Marissa's

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Papers Galore

So, I was talking to my cousin Lauren over spring break and she was telling me how she wrote so many papers her freshman year of college that she counted how many she actually did and how many pages she wrote as well. She never said exactly how many- I'm sure she didn't remember the exact number considering she is a senior now- but she knew it was more than 50 papers. Which is a lot if you ask me.

I write so many papers here that I was curious if I had 5o. So, over break I spent a good 15 minutes looking over my computer, since I have just about every paper saved on there and actually counted how many papers and how many pages I have written so far in college. Well...the total came to 76 papers and a total of 172 pages. Wow! Is that hard to believe or what?! That's probably more papers than I've done in my whole high school career. Well..maybe not, but I wish I had a record of every paper I wrote in high school so I could compare.

I guess the point of this is just that I'm SO tired of writing papers. It seems like all I do is write. I have anywhere from two to five papers a week and I don't even like writing! Infact I'm not even good at it. Sure I can BS like nobody's business, but that doesn't make me good. But alas, I am a Theatre major and apparently Theatre majors write a lot. But apparenelty so do Classics minors and all students who have to take English.

Sometimes I wish my homework consisted of more than papers or that I actually had a test every once in a while. The only real tests I've had in college so far have been in Calculus but I don't have to take any more Math ever again! Maybe when I take my Science classes I will have actual homework. I do have quiz's every one in a while in Mythology and THE 102 but they don't count as tests because I don't have to study for them to get A's. Maybe.. (don't judge me)..maybe..I miss studying.

I know..crazy thought right! What kind of person misses studying. It's just that I used to study ALL THE TIME in high school. I mean..did anyone see me in Government?! I used to memorize my freaking notes- word for word. I was crazy!! I was ridiculous!! but I haven't studied like that since then and truth be told..I was good at it. I guess it was the fact that when I studied I knew the material, therefore, I knew I could get A's on the tests. With papers, however, every Professor has different criteria for an A Paper and I'm never guarenteed an A. It's frustrating..and not to mention..boring.

I guess I don't want all studying and all tests like my roomie Mallory. She said she's probably only written 12 papers this year, but I just want variety. 76 papers with 172 pages (well actually 78 and 184 now..since I wrote one yesterday and finished an 11 page paper today) is not my idea of fun! I mean..who in their right mind would want to write an 11 page Argument paper?! Plus, I have one more 3 page paper due this Friday and four papers due next week. sigh...

Does anyone else write as much as me? Does anyone else need a break from writing? A break from college? Does anyone else want summer to be here right now!!!? Because I am ready! My hands need a 3 month brain needs a 3 month rest before it has to write the 78 papers for next year.


  • At 11:47 PM, Blogger Jimmy said…

    I've done a TON of writing... but it's pretty much all part writing for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass. It's not exactly fun, either, following a bunch of crazy rules that all have crazy exceptions... but oh well. Yeah, that's nuts. And speaking of papers, I should probably finish this one before I fall asleep at my desk.


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