Breakfast at Marissa's

Friday, March 31, 2006

It’s all about the Creepiness

Yesterday Mallory and I watched Batman Returns. (At first we didn’t know which one it was…but after a little help from we were updated with every Batman movie) If you don’t remember which one Batman Returns is it’s the one with Michael Keaton as Batman, Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman, and Danny Devito as Penguin. Oh…also (whom I forgot about) Christopher Walken as Max. (He’s in so many movies he just sort of pops up unexpected)

So, we were watching this movie and then we both start to share how creepy Penguin is!! Mal seems to think Danny Devito is always creepy…particularly in Matilda and I will have to agree with her on that one. But..seriously! Penguin is one creepy looking mother! And he’s disgusting! We both can not stand the part where he eats that raw fish and then bites that guy’s nose. Ew! Ew! Ew! So…gross! And his hair is all nappy and he’s always dirty and he has like chunks all over his body cause he’s so un-proportional and he’s just plain creepy looking with his big nose and gross habits. I’m getting a mental image in my head. I need a breather.

Okay…so…while watching this movie it made me think of other villains in movies. Joker, The Riddler, Poison Ivy, Dr. Freeze, Scarecrow, (no..not just Batman) Doc Ock, Dr. Doom, Lex Luther, Magneto, I’m sure there are tons more.. Anywhen.. I realized that Batman definitely has the creepiest villains. Specifically Joker, PENGUIN, and Scarecrow. Non of the others really get to me that much.. Penguin I think is by far the scariest/creepiest villain, but not my favorite! That’s a whole different entry…

Oh..weirdly enough..while I was trying to remember creepy characters Kevin from Sin City came into mind. I don’t know whether or not to count Sin City into this category though. I guess technically it was a graphic novel..therefore it goes…maybe…If you don’t remember which one Kevin was it was Elijah Woods character. The creepy cannibal who I think was blind…no?..maybe?..I don’t remember.

I tried to think of all the superheroes out there with villains…but for some reason my mind went blank. Tomorrow I’ll probably remember tons more and I’ll have to write a follow up entry or something. But, I guess the point of this entry was it’s all about the creepiness of the character that really gets my heebee jeebies going. So..anyone else have any scary villains in mind? Please share...


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