Back in the Swing of Things
So, I've been back at Miami for one week now and I am finally getting back into "college" mode, as opposed to "summer" mode. I'm not excited about getting back into college mode...but nonetheless I'm in it. So, what exactly does college mode entail you wonder?? Well let me explain my personal college mode.
For sleep cycle is all screwed up! Over the summer I would go to bed fairly early..anytime between 11-2 (depends what I was doing and who I was with). And then I would wake up around 8 to go running or play tennis. Well, in college..I've been having a lot of homework so I've been staying up late still. This week it's been 2-3:30. And if I got to bed say around 1 I just lay in bed for an hour until I fall asleep. That's what college does to me..granted I've always been a huge night owl. The good thing though is that I don't have any early early classes therefore I can sleep in a little bit. I have 10:00 class three times a week and 9:00 once and 11:00 once. So, I'm pretty lucky about that. But I've still been very tired lately..sigh...
So, number two is the homework obviously. During the summer I had work I have homework.. Let me tell you I'd much rather be working at the pool getting a tan (especially since my tan is fading already ) . Plus most of the homework is just reading stuff..ew!!
The next is walking...I am living on campus so I walk to classes. Now I don't have to walk too far..only about 10 minutes to my farthest one..but it's still different than being able to drive everywhere..with the windows down and the music up..know what I mean! But I guess since I currently am not allowed to work out (doctors orders! which I'm totally pissed about btw) walking is good for me. But come the Tuesday after Labor Day I am getting a Rec Membership!!
This next change is the biggest! It's simply that I don't have my family and friends here. Matt is now 3 1/2 hours away instead of 3 1/2 minutes. Mom and Dad aren't right downstairs..and all my other friends are hours away at their own colleges..and it's hard. Summer mode is so great cause I can see anyone anytime I want. And now it's hard to even get Anybody on the phone..besides mom and dad. sigh..
Lastly, the living space. It's hard to have just one room as your bedroom, kitchen, and living room. And it's even harder because our room is so tiny. I'm used to having a whole house..
So, this is "college" mode. It doesn't even compare to "summer" mode, but right now it's the only mode being offered to me. So, until that glorious day (May 4) comes I will have to put up with it. Do not fret though, I will be coming home for random things this first semester and going to visit some girl friends. So, I'll get little'll be alright...
For sleep cycle is all screwed up! Over the summer I would go to bed fairly early..anytime between 11-2 (depends what I was doing and who I was with). And then I would wake up around 8 to go running or play tennis. Well, in college..I've been having a lot of homework so I've been staying up late still. This week it's been 2-3:30. And if I got to bed say around 1 I just lay in bed for an hour until I fall asleep. That's what college does to me..granted I've always been a huge night owl. The good thing though is that I don't have any early early classes therefore I can sleep in a little bit. I have 10:00 class three times a week and 9:00 once and 11:00 once. So, I'm pretty lucky about that. But I've still been very tired lately..sigh...
So, number two is the homework obviously. During the summer I had work I have homework.. Let me tell you I'd much rather be working at the pool getting a tan (especially since my tan is fading already ) . Plus most of the homework is just reading stuff..ew!!
The next is walking...I am living on campus so I walk to classes. Now I don't have to walk too far..only about 10 minutes to my farthest one..but it's still different than being able to drive everywhere..with the windows down and the music up..know what I mean! But I guess since I currently am not allowed to work out (doctors orders! which I'm totally pissed about btw) walking is good for me. But come the Tuesday after Labor Day I am getting a Rec Membership!!
This next change is the biggest! It's simply that I don't have my family and friends here. Matt is now 3 1/2 hours away instead of 3 1/2 minutes. Mom and Dad aren't right downstairs..and all my other friends are hours away at their own colleges..and it's hard. Summer mode is so great cause I can see anyone anytime I want. And now it's hard to even get Anybody on the phone..besides mom and dad. sigh..
Lastly, the living space. It's hard to have just one room as your bedroom, kitchen, and living room. And it's even harder because our room is so tiny. I'm used to having a whole house..
So, this is "college" mode. It doesn't even compare to "summer" mode, but right now it's the only mode being offered to me. So, until that glorious day (May 4) comes I will have to put up with it. Do not fret though, I will be coming home for random things this first semester and going to visit some girl friends. So, I'll get little'll be alright...
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