Breakfast at Marissa's

Monday, January 08, 2007

New Year Resolution

Every New Year when I was younger I would make a New Years resolution. But the problem with mine were I was never serious about them. I would always make some stupid cliché of a resolution that I forgot about a week later. For example: Be nicer to my parents, eat healthier, or curse less. It wasn’t until last year that I actually had a resolution I thought for sure I could handle and carry out throughout the whole year.

It started off relatively easy and I was doing great with New Years resolution of 2006 but by the time late September/early October came around my whole resolution was shot to hell. And just two months shy of making it a whole year too. It’s not so much that I stopped trying to keep the resolution’s just that I realized that the resolution could not be accomplished. What a terrible thing to realize after ten months of trying to make it work. I realized that by trying to fulfill the resolution and trying to make someone else happy I got nothing in return and therefore just ended up making myself unhappy. At least that’s the consensus for right now.

So, as a new year begins and it comes time to make a new resolution I thought hard about what mine would be this year. I feel like I have learned from my mistakes and therefore am ready for a resolution that will hopefully turn out to be the best idea of my entire life. I have one basic resolution that can then be broken down into multiple components. So here it is…Marissa’s New Year Resolution of 2007…drum roll please…..


which means...

1. Rely on myself to make me happy instead of letting other people determine my happiness
In the past I have been doing a lot to try to make other people happy and then I just feel terrible and depressed when I don’t get the same in return. But this year I’m going to make myself happy. I don’t need any significant person to do it for me. I’m going to take time for me. Read more books, spend time with friends, watch those movies I’ve been meaning to see.

2. Try to cross off as many things on my ‘100 Things To Do Before I Die’ List
I only have 84 things on this list of mine. So far I have a measly 9 of them crossed off. It’s sad I know. But just this past break I crossed three things off (make a gingerbread house, bowl a 100 or higher, and donate my hair to Locks of Love). So I guess you could say I’m well on my way.

3. Take advantage of being single
Ladies! We do not need boyfriends to make us happy. We are young and we should have fun with it and not worry or be sad because we don’t have a significant other in our life right now. Marissa…you do not have to have a boyfriend. You have terrible taste in boys anyway…and very bad luck with relationships. So take it easy. Relax. Enjoy being single.

4. Be spontaneous
I have spent too much of my life always having a plan or trying to make a plan for my future. I have to take each moment day by day and do spontaneous things. So, watch out…I’m going to be crazy spontaneous this year. You’ll just be sitting watching TV and I’ll show up and tell you to pack for our trip to Canada. Yeah that’s right…you never know…

So, this is what my life is going to be like for the next year. This is the Marissa 2007. I’ll keep you updated on how living life for me is going. I’m sure it’ll be amazing though! : )


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