Breakfast at Marissa's

Friday, March 31, 2006

It’s all about the Creepiness

Yesterday Mallory and I watched Batman Returns. (At first we didn’t know which one it was…but after a little help from we were updated with every Batman movie) If you don’t remember which one Batman Returns is it’s the one with Michael Keaton as Batman, Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman, and Danny Devito as Penguin. Oh…also (whom I forgot about) Christopher Walken as Max. (He’s in so many movies he just sort of pops up unexpected)

So, we were watching this movie and then we both start to share how creepy Penguin is!! Mal seems to think Danny Devito is always creepy…particularly in Matilda and I will have to agree with her on that one. But..seriously! Penguin is one creepy looking mother! And he’s disgusting! We both can not stand the part where he eats that raw fish and then bites that guy’s nose. Ew! Ew! Ew! So…gross! And his hair is all nappy and he’s always dirty and he has like chunks all over his body cause he’s so un-proportional and he’s just plain creepy looking with his big nose and gross habits. I’m getting a mental image in my head. I need a breather.

Okay…so…while watching this movie it made me think of other villains in movies. Joker, The Riddler, Poison Ivy, Dr. Freeze, Scarecrow, (no..not just Batman) Doc Ock, Dr. Doom, Lex Luther, Magneto, I’m sure there are tons more.. Anywhen.. I realized that Batman definitely has the creepiest villains. Specifically Joker, PENGUIN, and Scarecrow. Non of the others really get to me that much.. Penguin I think is by far the scariest/creepiest villain, but not my favorite! That’s a whole different entry…

Oh..weirdly enough..while I was trying to remember creepy characters Kevin from Sin City came into mind. I don’t know whether or not to count Sin City into this category though. I guess technically it was a graphic novel..therefore it goes…maybe…If you don’t remember which one Kevin was it was Elijah Woods character. The creepy cannibal who I think was blind…no?..maybe?..I don’t remember.

I tried to think of all the superheroes out there with villains…but for some reason my mind went blank. Tomorrow I’ll probably remember tons more and I’ll have to write a follow up entry or something. But, I guess the point of this entry was it’s all about the creepiness of the character that really gets my heebee jeebies going. So..anyone else have any scary villains in mind? Please share...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Beautiful Day

Oh, what a beautiful day it is today!! Or was...the day is practically over. I just had so much free time today and the weather was so lovely that I just had to make a post about it. Not only did I get all three of my papers due this week done by Monday night but I also had three classes cancelled this week and we watched movies/excerts from in three of my classes. Including an episode of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman..bizarre I know...

Anywhen, this week flew by so fast! Granted I didn't have a lot to do. Next week is going to be a killer let me tell you. But this week was glorious!! I actually had free time. And this day was the first day I actually felt like spring was here. I didn't have but one complaint today because the weather made me so happy. Well...I did wish that I would have brought some capris back last time I went home. But other than that nothing could put me down today.

Tomorrow is Friday and the beginning of what should be a fabulous weekend! My Matthew is coming to Miami to see me of course. : ) And I can't wait! It's been two weeks since I've seen those beautiful brown eyes of his and after this weekend it will be another two weeks...but nonetheless I will not be sad because I know it will fly by quickly..

So here's to the good week, great weather, and hopefully a wonderful weekend! Get your groove on!!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

My Day in Cincinnati

So..wanna hear about my Saturday?

For my THE 131: Acting class we had to go to the Cincinnati Zoo for an Animal Project we are doing where we observe and animal and then eventually turn it into a character. Cool huh!? Anywhen, we decided to make a whole day of it and go to the musical Company playing at the Play House. Also, I decided to drag Katherine with me, because we were allowed to bring people. Plus, she enjoys animals and musicals just as much as I do.

So, we left at 9. There were twelve of us and we all drove in a Miami U 12 seater van. We spent the car ride there singing and dancing to the radio. Good times..Shout! and YMCA..! We also had an ongoing conversation about bad perfume names, my favorites were Apathy and Hopeless by Calvin Klein. Lol. Anywhen..we got to the zoo around 10:45. We spent an hour and a half looking at various animals so that we could choose which ones to observe. We got to see the polar bears (adorable), lions, tigers, bears, zebras, giraffes, elephants, birds, penguins, MONKEYS!!! (which one of them tried to attack us), insects, we skipped the reptile and nocturnal animals house. (I don’t really like snakes or bats). Then we spent an hour and a half observing our animals. I chose the elephants and wow are they cool! They they are dancing to music. It’s neat! I LOVE animals so the zoo is pretty much my favorite place ever!

After the zoo we went to my professor’s husbands’ work. He builds sets for the Playhouse and other various Theatres around. Their warehouse is in this old huge roller skating rink and it was amazing! They build so much stuff that you wouldn’t even think, like chandeliers and huge ass civil war statues. They also have a huge room filled with tons of props. The guy said they have enough furniture/household items to fill around 17 houses and they also have tons and tons of clothes and shoes. Pretty cool! At this time they are getting ready for a show called Stone my Heart where they needed 28 dead bodies and they showed us how they made them and final products. It was cool yet also creepy as hell. But the whole experience was neato. (yes..I just used the word neato)

After that we went to the Art Museum, but we could only be there for 45 minutes before it closed. It was still cool though. My favorite painting was this one in the contemporary section. It reminded me of the 1,000 ships sailing from Greece to Troy in the Trojan War. (but that might be because I’m in some Greek classes now..) It was so fascinating though.

After the Museum we were going to go eat..and someone in my class locked the keys in the car. People were yelling and grumpy and it was not cool. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal..they were just worried because they didn’t know how our Prof would react. But she just laughed about it…and it was all good. We went to eat at a good Bar and Grill. I had grilled cheese and soup. Lol. Simple but good. And I was tempted by this really good looking chocolate cheesecake, but I held my stand. Sigh…I want desserts!!!! Moving on…

At 7:45 we had a talk with the ?assistant Director? ( I don’t really remember what she was) of the show were going to see that night. She told us a little about the director, show, set, and whatnot. The set of the show was really simple looking..just one scene with a piano..three benches..and a column. It was supposed to be a really sophisticated and elegant apartment. It was cool looking. The set cost $32,000 though. !! That’s like …two years of my college education. Anywhen..the show is Company and the director is really interesting. Instead of having an orchestra he has the actor’s play the instruments. It was really different but I liked it. Like, when they aren’t in the scene they will play (on stage) in the background..and sing from there too. Also, they will bring their instruments onto the set/into the scene. Sounds cool.

It started at 9 and went by rather quickly. I was really tired from having been on my feet all day and walking around, so I couldn’t fully enjoy it. But it was really good. The way he uses the relationship between the actors and the music was soo cool. Some of the actor’s were playing three different instruments. Some had to learn how to play an instrument they’ve never played before in just 5 weeks. Can you imagine having to sing, act, and play an instrument basically at the same time. My god!! Talk about stress. And the lead singer had a great voice. Really impressive. There is buzz that this production might make it to Broadway too, which is exciting. Oh…one thing I don’t get…It seems like you can’t go to a concert or show anymore without having a standing ovation. Like, it used to be something that was special and only given when something deserved it. But EVERYBODY does it now..ALL the time. I hate it! I mean..this show deserved one..but I’ve been to shows that have gotten them that didn’t. Just a random thought I had…

Anywhen..I had a great day! It was long and tireding..but absolutely fabulous! I did so much and got to get to know my classmates better. It made up for that one Saturday that I did nothing but watch movies all day. I don’t like lazy days..So, that was my Saturday..and now my Sunday consists of writing three papers and reading some books/articles. Great…sigh. Rock On..!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Papers Galore

So, I was talking to my cousin Lauren over spring break and she was telling me how she wrote so many papers her freshman year of college that she counted how many she actually did and how many pages she wrote as well. She never said exactly how many- I'm sure she didn't remember the exact number considering she is a senior now- but she knew it was more than 50 papers. Which is a lot if you ask me.

I write so many papers here that I was curious if I had 5o. So, over break I spent a good 15 minutes looking over my computer, since I have just about every paper saved on there and actually counted how many papers and how many pages I have written so far in college. Well...the total came to 76 papers and a total of 172 pages. Wow! Is that hard to believe or what?! That's probably more papers than I've done in my whole high school career. Well..maybe not, but I wish I had a record of every paper I wrote in high school so I could compare.

I guess the point of this is just that I'm SO tired of writing papers. It seems like all I do is write. I have anywhere from two to five papers a week and I don't even like writing! Infact I'm not even good at it. Sure I can BS like nobody's business, but that doesn't make me good. But alas, I am a Theatre major and apparently Theatre majors write a lot. But apparenelty so do Classics minors and all students who have to take English.

Sometimes I wish my homework consisted of more than papers or that I actually had a test every once in a while. The only real tests I've had in college so far have been in Calculus but I don't have to take any more Math ever again! Maybe when I take my Science classes I will have actual homework. I do have quiz's every one in a while in Mythology and THE 102 but they don't count as tests because I don't have to study for them to get A's. Maybe.. (don't judge me)..maybe..I miss studying.

I know..crazy thought right! What kind of person misses studying. It's just that I used to study ALL THE TIME in high school. I mean..did anyone see me in Government?! I used to memorize my freaking notes- word for word. I was crazy!! I was ridiculous!! but I haven't studied like that since then and truth be told..I was good at it. I guess it was the fact that when I studied I knew the material, therefore, I knew I could get A's on the tests. With papers, however, every Professor has different criteria for an A Paper and I'm never guarenteed an A. It's frustrating..and not to mention..boring.

I guess I don't want all studying and all tests like my roomie Mallory. She said she's probably only written 12 papers this year, but I just want variety. 76 papers with 172 pages (well actually 78 and 184 now..since I wrote one yesterday and finished an 11 page paper today) is not my idea of fun! I mean..who in their right mind would want to write an 11 page Argument paper?! Plus, I have one more 3 page paper due this Friday and four papers due next week. sigh...

Does anyone else write as much as me? Does anyone else need a break from writing? A break from college? Does anyone else want summer to be here right now!!!? Because I am ready! My hands need a 3 month brain needs a 3 month rest before it has to write the 78 papers for next year.

Monday, March 20, 2006

My Spring Break

Well here I am back at school with only six weeks left to go. It's hard to believe that in six weeks I will be done with my freshman year of college.'s weird growing up. REALLY WEIRD! I should have went to Neverland. sigh... spring break went well. I didn't really do anything but it was sure relaxing. I went to visit Amy at Bluffton and also got to see Scott at Ohio Northern. That was a nice little trip. We even drove to Bowling Green to go dancing at this club/bar/whatever. I missed my Amy Dot..can't wait till summer so I can see her all the time. I saw two movies over break. Crash, which was good! No wonder it won those Oscars. The other one I saw was Failure to was cute. Plus it had three really good looking guys in it. (Matthew McConaughey, Justin Bartha, and Bradley Cooper)

I got to see my family a good amount. We had a wedding shower for my cousin Josh's fiance Shannen. So, it was just all the girls. Specifically my awesome hilarious cousin Brittany. That was fun. Got to hang out with Mom and Dad as well. It was their anniversary on Saint Patrick's Day, but dad was sick so mom, k, and I went downtown to eat at Broken Rocks and to the town "Ladies Night" thing. We got a characters drawing of the three of they do at Cedar Point and whatnot. That was neat. Mom wants to frame it and hang it up somewhere. lol...she's silly.

I did get a surprising amount of homework done over break. Infact I got everything done except for one extra credit Greek Civ thing. I was surprised that I actually did everything I took home. I did gain a little weight over break because I only exercised three days. sigh. It's hard going from working out everyday to just not. lol. Oh well..I'm back to going to the Rec I have to make up for this past week. But in two days it will be exactly three weeks since I've eaten any desserts. Not even on Sunday people! I am so strong! I'm half way there. Woo Hoo!! Oh..bad news. I found out I have to get my wisdom teeth taken out over summer. So..I get home the 5th, wedding to go to and my birthday on the 6th and then wisdom teeth taken out on the 9th. Oh well though..I just want to get it over with.

Lastly, I got to see Matthew!!! Which was pretty much my favorite part of break. I tried to spend as much time with him as I could because it will be a while before I see him again. I can't come home again till Easter which is four weeks away. So..depending on if he visits me not I could see him in two weeks or I could see him in four. But it was just GREAT to be able to see him everyday. I can't wait till summer!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Spring Break Come Now!!

So, I’ve decided that I waste too much time on the internet. It used to not be so bad though. Like, I’d waste time by doing things that actually kept me interested. I’d check my email and then I’d talk to some people. Like, if I had time to spare, I’d get online. But now, it’s just getting ridiculous!!!

Firstly, I have this routine that I go through EVERY time I get on my computer. Even if I got on at 12 and went through this “routine”, if I got back on even an hour later I’d do everything again..just incase something changed. So..I check my hotmail email than my Miami email. Then I go to my blog as well…then I go to quicktime to see if there are any new movie trailers..and if there are then I go to IMDB to see details about the new ones. Then I go to facebook. Now, granted I spend a little time at each site..reading peoples entry’s, looking at other movies on imdb, wasting time on facebook. But it gets worse! Not only do I do these things all the time, but I am starting to get bored with them. Atfirst it was I was bored in my life so I’d surf the internet, now I’m getting bored surfing the internet. Sometimes I’ll play Solitare, or Pinball.

But I’m just wasting so much time when I could be doing other things! Like..sleeping!!! That would be great! Although, I do already take naps just about every other day. I could..go to the Rec more. Now..I have been going to the rec literally every day (except for two) in the past two that is already good enough I think. I get all my homework it’s not like I need more time for that..although I shouldn’t do papers at 2 in the morning the day they are due.. So..what else can I do? Honestly, there is nothing else to do. I would LOVE to start a new book..because I got so many for Christmas that I haven’t started yet, but they thing is that I already read soo much stuff (books, plays, short stories, articles) for all my classes..and I mean ALL of them ..that I don’t really want to get caught up in a good book. If I got caught up in a good book than I wouldn’t want to read the ones I have to for classes. Sigh….

Well, I guess this is just the way I’ve been feeling this week in general. Other weeks haven’t been this bad. It’s just that this week were mid terms..but I had all mine last week. So I only had four papers due this week and I got them all done by Monday. Therefore, I had a lot of time this week. I did have other homework, but it was mainly just reading ..again. So, maybe it was just this week that has been so bad. Hm..

Anyway..I guess it is just soo pathetic that 1. I waste so much time on the internet ..doing either nothing or the same things over and over again. And 2. that I get bored doing them..yet I still do them because I can’t think of anything better to do? ..I need to get out more..

I just need this spring break ..BIG TIME!! I need to go home and NOT waste away the day..which I usually don’t do at home..which is good. I have things to do and to look forward to doing at home. Who cares if I have a lot of homework..I still get to do the simple fun things that I miss oh so much.

Things I am looking forward to:
~ Visiting Amy at Bluffton
~ Seeing all my friends (Tiff, Britt, Greg, Will, Brandon)
~ Seeing my family!!!
~ Helping mom out at the McMullen school with all the cute little kindergardeners
~ Seeing Matt!!! [especially if he makes me dinner..; ) eh??!! ]
~ Eating 1. homecooked meals and 2. at broken rocks
~ Playing my piano!!
~ Seeing my kitty
~ Did I mention Matt??

So..basically I AM NOT GOING TO WASTE MY SPRING BREAK!! Because I do enough of that here. And I am only going to get on the internet if I really need to check movie times or something. I wish tomorrow would come sooner!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Things to Do Before I Die

In high school Creative Writing class my sister had to think of 101 things she wanted to do before she died. She told me that it was harder than it seemed, so I decided to give it a try. I tried to stick away from cliché things like “get married” or “have kids”. I wanted them to be real things, some that I could achieve quite easily, or some that would take almost a miracle. I started the list about two years ago..but then the computer that it got saved on broke and I lost the list. Just recently (a few months ago) I decided to start the list back up. I am pretty sure I remembered everything that was on my past list and I added a lot more new ones too. Katherine is right is harder than it seems. But every once in a while I think of a new one and jot it down. I am currently up to 65 things and since I’ve written this I have only accomplished 6 and two ½’s (to be explained later) out of those 65. sigh…It’s a long road.

So in lack of an idea of a better topic to write about I will now proceed to write all 65 things down. No..actually I’m totally kidding. I am only going to choose 15 ones. 15 because it’s my lucky number and you (the reader) would be bored with all 65..jeesh ..can you imagine??

1. go skydiving- this would be totally sweet and as soon as I get the money I’m there b/c Miami has a program or whatever to do it. Yea!!

2. find a four leaf clover- it may sound lame, but I have never found one and I’ve always wanted to…
3. learn how to play the drums- hopefully a certain Mike Carroll will help me with this one
4. learn sign language- I just think this would be really sweet. Also if Katherine learned it with me than we could communicate to each other all the time and nobody would know what we were saying. It would be cool and sort of evil
5. own a pet monkey-they are the cutest animals ever! I love them! And it’s going to happen!! No Joke. End of story.

6. be able to do the splits- I haven’t been able to do them since probably elementary school 3rd grade, but I really wish I was that flexible. Maybe my recent Pilates classes will help.
7. own a restaurant- this may have just started off as a joke between me and Matt but now it would really be cool if it happened. We talk about it occasionally and the plus side would be that Matt would actually be a chef like we all know he wants to be.
8. beat Twila in Peanuts- for those of you who don’t play cards Peanuts is a card game. Now normally I am not to shabby, but whenever any of us Henley’s play with Twila she ALWAYS wins by a lot. She is just really really good. One time I came five points away from her , but someday... I will defeat her!
9. learn how to ball room dance and tap dance- this is really two but I combined them because they are practically the same except different types of dance. I have decided that for my wedding I want the wedding party to all have to take ballroom dancing classes so we can all look smooth on the dance floor . As for tap dance maybe I’ll join a class here, maybe I should have taken that instead of Modern Dance this semester.
10. learn how to play golf- I want to learn how to play so I can see what the big deal is. Is it really that awesome of a game? I don’t know..hopefully I can get down to the bottom of this mystery this summer.
11. learn how to drive stick shift- so that I can eventually buy a Mini Cooper- this is actually two in one again. But I can’t do one without the other. Mini Cooper’s are such a sweet ass sweet car!!

12. see a Broadway show in New York- this is actually two combined again. I really want to go to New York and while there I want to see a Broadway show
13. play basketball in a wheelchair- does anyone watch Saved by the Bell? Well, in one episode they were trying to raise money for a charity or something so they had a basketball tournament, only they played in wheelchairs . Well, I don’t know how good I would be (especially considering I am not that great at regular basketball) but it would be so fun. They might have to lower the hoops though ..
14. be in a movie- this is one of my far fetched ones..but hey it could happen right. I don’t have to be the star or anything..I just want to be in one. Then maybe I could have my name on and that would be soooooo awesome I could not even explain!

15. pull a fire alarm- this is my most recent one added (last Sunday). I got the idea because we had a fire alarm in our hall at 3:30 in the morning and had to stay out of the building for 30 minutes. It was absolutely ridiculous…but a real fire…but but.. there were cute firemen involved . Pulling a fire alarm I think would be funny. But I would have preferred to do it in high school.

These were just 15 random ones…but there are tons more…This is actually a cool thing to do, hence why I am doing it . So I would suggest trying to find 101 things that you want to do before you die. If you have anything that you have in mind already tell me and maybe I just might steal it from you and put it on my list .

Oh...the ones that I have accomplished are:

1. go to a concert -(I have been to The Killers, Flogging Molly, and the Rolling Stones)
2. see a shooting star- I did see one..but barely so I hope I see another one sometime
3. learn how to wink- it's still not incredibly good and I can only do it to my right eye..but still
4. get a manicure
5. own a green umbrella- it started off as a joke with somone..since I'm obsessed with the color green and Megan Snyder had one once and I was jealous. So I have one .

6. see Put-In-Bay in the winter with snow- you'd think after 15 years of going up there I would have done this..but we just did this for the first time over Christmas Break and it was gorgeous!
1/2 (1)- learn how to play Fur Elise on the piano- Well, I thought I had the whole song, but it turns out there is more to the song. So I only know half of the song..therefore this one is half finished
1/2 (2)- learn how to play the "Happy Song" on the piano- my mom used to play us this song which she called the "Happy Song" when we were little and Katherine and I used to dance around the room to it..well apparently there is an upper part and a lower part (like Heart and Soul) and well I only have the lower part learned. She needs to teach me the other part sometime.

That's it...Rock On!!!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


So...I now have xanga, myspace, facebook, and blog. The only reason I got blog was because people who do not have an account with xanga can not comment on my posts. Therefore, I got a blog. sigh. I am ridiculous I know. I will use both for now and then decide which one I like better.