I would consider myself a decently funny girl. If you know me I’d hope you could say the same. I mean…I have a good sense of humor, enjoy a good pun, and can even appreciate those lame jokes that are just so stupid their funny. Today in my Design class I made a small joke and the whole class and professor laughed at it. Nothing too out of the ordinary for me. I mean…I speak up and make jokes all the time, especially in my smaller classes. Well my professor said to me “Marissa, you’re getting funnier as you get older”. Um…thanks Gion? How do I take something like that? As I get older? For one I’ve only known this professor for a little over a year so I’ve only gotten one year older. Does that mean I wasn’t funny a year ago?
I guess it has something to do with the fact that the class I had him in last year- I hated! So, needless to say I didn’t necessarily have a great time in the class. Also, for some reason last year I reduced my personality back to what it was my freshman year in high school. (not cool!) I was shier, and not as outgoing. I think it was just because I wasn’t sure if I liked Miami and I was a little intimidated by the people here. I didn’t have a lot of friends and let’s just say I wasn’t as happy as I am now with everything- classes, friends, majors, Miami… But now is a completely different story. I’m funnier I guess because I’m my old self again- if not more improved. I’m not shy, I speak up in classes, I’ve made friends, and I LOVE my majors!! So, I guess I could take this as a compliment? Yes? Maybe? It’s one of those ambiguous comments. I’ve been familiar with those before…
This past Thanksgiving break I went home and my friends Josh and Greg came over to my house. The first thing Greg said to me was “You look healthy”. Um…thanks Greg? I look healthy…as opposed to looking- what- sick? hm… I guess I could take it as a compliment right. Considering I hadn’t seen him in probably a little over a month or so, maybe longer. And also considering that it was just a month after I had broken up with Matt, so looking healthy would be a good thing I suppose. But still…what a bizarre way to put it.
Example #3. I don’t remember if it was this year or last year or what month it was. But Katherine and I were at the McMullen school helping mom’s class make paintings with their hands (soooo cute!) and Mrs. Warbel (the Principal who basically watched K and I grow up) came in to say hi. The first thing she said to us was “College is agreeing with you girls”. Um…thanks Mrs. Warbel? Another compliment I presume. I don’t really understand this one though. I guess it just means that we are looking good? Better than we did when we were in high school? I don’t know. lol. Either way…I’ll take it. Such a weird thing to say though.
Well, that’s it from this funny, healthy, good looking girl! : )
I guess it has something to do with the fact that the class I had him in last year- I hated! So, needless to say I didn’t necessarily have a great time in the class. Also, for some reason last year I reduced my personality back to what it was my freshman year in high school. (not cool!) I was shier, and not as outgoing. I think it was just because I wasn’t sure if I liked Miami and I was a little intimidated by the people here. I didn’t have a lot of friends and let’s just say I wasn’t as happy as I am now with everything- classes, friends, majors, Miami… But now is a completely different story. I’m funnier I guess because I’m my old self again- if not more improved. I’m not shy, I speak up in classes, I’ve made friends, and I LOVE my majors!! So, I guess I could take this as a compliment? Yes? Maybe? It’s one of those ambiguous comments. I’ve been familiar with those before…
This past Thanksgiving break I went home and my friends Josh and Greg came over to my house. The first thing Greg said to me was “You look healthy”. Um…thanks Greg? I look healthy…as opposed to looking- what- sick? hm… I guess I could take it as a compliment right. Considering I hadn’t seen him in probably a little over a month or so, maybe longer. And also considering that it was just a month after I had broken up with Matt, so looking healthy would be a good thing I suppose. But still…what a bizarre way to put it.
Example #3. I don’t remember if it was this year or last year or what month it was. But Katherine and I were at the McMullen school helping mom’s class make paintings with their hands (soooo cute!) and Mrs. Warbel (the Principal who basically watched K and I grow up) came in to say hi. The first thing she said to us was “College is agreeing with you girls”. Um…thanks Mrs. Warbel? Another compliment I presume. I don’t really understand this one though. I guess it just means that we are looking good? Better than we did when we were in high school? I don’t know. lol. Either way…I’ll take it. Such a weird thing to say though.
Well, that’s it from this funny, healthy, good looking girl! : )
At 7:39 PM,
Katherine said…
Yeah, you know, now that Gion mentions do get funnier with age. And about Greg saying you looked healthy. That's definitely a compliment. However, if he said you looked sick like you were malnutritioned then that wouldn't be cool...
P.S. I still don't think that guy's name is John...
At 6:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
I would have to agree that "confidence" probably plays a big part of your being more funny this year than last. My problem is that as soon as I think I'm funny then my jokes get dumber :)
Now onto the the "You look healthy" comment. That is probably one of the best comments someone can get! "Healthy" is a good thing. When I hear the word healthy I think of: "Well-Grounded", "Sure of ones self, but not in a cocky way", "Something to do with skin color", ummm "eating well", and "getting enough sleep" all come to mind.
And for Mrs. Warbell's coment I don't really know about that one.
See you at Easter...
At 9:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Just spent 15 minutes responding and forgot code word and it erased my message. here I go again. So I'll try to duplicate my take:
l. The professor's been around lots of young adults and recognizes immaturities, insecurities, etc. So since he's known you in the past, he sees you as someone who, as Josh said, has grown in confidence and he's obviously proud of your change and so, like good cheese, you've matured with age. HaHa He probably sees 1000's of kids who never grown up!
2. Ok. First of all, guys are generally not nearly as hard on us (or on themselves appearance-wise) as we are on ourselves. Your dad is always telling me how great I look while I'm thinking "If I could just lose 10 pounds and get in last years pants". Think of your Mr. X and how he was always telling us three how we needed to quit talking about our weight - we looked fine. So Greg was probably addressing your personal happiness and if you had your great sunny disposition on, like you usually do around your friends cause you're so happy to see them, you had a generally healthy glow and let's face it, just like I don't have stupid kids, I don't have ugly ones either.. you and sis are very pretty. :-D
3. It's just an expression and you can't read much into it. But you are always so excited to be home, see your friends & family and you love to help me, so you both looked pretty and happy and content, thus college must be agreeing with you. Obvious that's not true with everyone. LOL Now if you'd gained 30 pounds, I'm sure she would have had another cliche. :-D
At 8:12 PM,
Marissa said…
haha thanks mom. are soo funny.
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