I Think I Can! I Think I Can! I Think I Can!
Just like that little engine that could I think I can!!! This is my solemn vow that I, Marissa Ann Lunt, am going to accomplish all the things that for these past four weeks I did not have the strength to do. I am going to lose this weight I put on. About seven months ago I was in the best shape of my life. I was about 118 pounds, toned, flexible, and I had a semi- flat stomach. Why? Because I was eating right (especially since that was during lent and I couldn't have sweets), I was exercising every weekday and on the weekends I didn't go home, I was doing pilates as well, and I had a Modern Dance class. So, I looked and more importantly FELT great! Now, I'm not saying that I'm overweight or fat or anything like that. But if I don't feel good about myself or my body than I should be allowed to criticize it and be able to do something about it. So!!! By fair time, which is two and a half weeks away I am going to be 4 pounds lighter at least. Maybe even lighter. Hopefully my stomach and legs will be more toned too. The other things I need to do are get involved with things around campus. I'm tired of having all this free time. I'd rather be busy! So, I'm going to get involved with Classics Club, Stage Left, and Walking Theatre Project. Also, I'm not going to procrastinate! I can't!! I'm going to do my homework before the day it's due and study for tests/quizes before the day before.So, you are hearing it first people (the actual few people who read this). Straight from the horses mouth. The very pretty and soon to be skinny horse. I am going to do this!!! I think I can..I think I can...I think I can. If that little engine could do it than so can I!
If I See One More Person Wearing Leggings...
WHY??!!! I just don’t understand the fashion industry or our society these days. While shopping nowadays I can barely go into some stores because of all the 80’s stuff they are bringing back. WHY!!?? Why would you want to do that? The 80’s fashion was not cool. It was ridiculous. I’m sure they thought it was cool at the time, but no. It wasn’t. I do not like the 80’s.
It’s not like I’m being a traitor to my generation because although I was born in 1987 I am not technically an “80’s child” because I grew up in the 90’s. Only two and a half of my 19 1/2 years were spent in the 80’s and it wasn’t even when I was old enough to know what was going on around me. No...I was a 90’s child- the transitional period between the 80’s and the 70’s revival. I spent most of my childhood wearing scrunches in my hair and overalls with Winnie the Pooh on them which then transitioned into getting my first pair of bell bottoms in 6th grade. (Love the bell bottoms! But miss the overalls )
So, I wouldn’t say the style I grew up with was that terrible. But then again…I didn’t have to wear the 80’s clothes. For those of you that don’t remember exactly what the 80’s style I detest so much was like, let me remind you. Women with feathered hair, fluffy bangs, side ponytails, off the shoulder shirts, thick belts, mini skirts, tight straight jeans, leggings, leg warmers, spandex, hoop earrings, rubber bracelets, and the ever so popular slap bracelets. Guys was a little different with Mohawks, frizzy/curly hair, rolled sleeves, sleeveless shirts, tight leather pants, leather jackets, spandex, , brimmed hats, and who could forget the parachute pants.
Now, don’t get me wrong about the generation of the 80’s. I’m sure some very important things came out of the 80’s, like break dancing, Cabbage Patch dolls, the joy of roller skating, the phrases “bad” (meaning good), “fresh” and “totally”, Pac Man, Michael Jackson before he was creepy, Star Wars, Billy Joel, Molly Ringwald movies, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Just to name a few that I’ve come to know and love. But as for the style that materialized out of the 80’s…I am not a fan.
In stores now and even around campus here at Miami (especially with the local bars’ 80’s Nights) I am constantly reminded of this period and it makes me fear for the future. Not only do we have the “millenium generation” with their cell phones by the age of 12 and their rap music, fake rock, and MTV but now we are going to have this 80’s style come back. I just can’t handle these two things at once.
So, I don’t understand what people’s fascination with this style is and why in the world they would want to bring it back. I realize everyone doesn’t feel the same as I do. Katherine for instance loves 80’s music…but I don’t remember if she likes the style or not. Anywhen, the next person I see wearing leggings…oh boy…it’s not going to go over well. Please people…don’t give into this. Don’t let our society go back to this. If anything…lets bring overalls back . Come on…leggings or overalls? I think you know the answer!
Stay Tuned
Sorry I don’t write on this thing very often. Usually the only thing I have to write about is what is going on in my life. You know…what I did over the weekend, or something new about me, or what I’m doing in classes and what not. But how boring is that! Who wants to read stuff like that? Unless you actually do care in which..that is very nice of you! So, since that option is out I usually just wait around until I come across some brilliant, clever, idea for a post and go to work (although it never comes out as clever as I would have hoped it to). : (
So many people are just desperate to write so often in blogs/xangas/insert random online journal here that they come up with the most boring or bizarre thing to write about. (I'm not talking about anybody specifically) Some even opt for the oh so easy survey (no offense Katherine- I’ve done it before too). Don't get me wrong..I've done it all. But I like to shy away from all these things. Which brings me back to finding that deep, sharp, witty repartee to a thought. But alas, no such thought exists.
So, I am reduced to racking my brain for other inventive ways to write an entry. But it has to be special. It has to be unique I tell myself as I shoot down every half- baked idea that comes across. How about a story? A poem? A joke? An in-depth political debate? No, no, no, no. The truth is that I’m just not good at this whole blog/xanga/insert random online journal here thing.
To the few generous and bored people who read this thing keep in mind that I try. Sometimes I come up with something that is actually interesting to read. Something that makes you feel like you didn’t just waste five minutes of your already busy day to surf my site and read my thoughts. But other days I just come up with ridiculous stuff that I know is a waste of time even while I’m writing it, like this for example. Well, I will make the next entry better I promise. I think I did a fairly decent job last year with this thing and I’d like to keep the ratings up my second season. So, stay tuned and don’t give up on me just yet. Just deal with the ridiculous things, hope for the better things, and remember that you love me. : )