What I've Been Up To
PAPERS- This semester I had to write 14 papers with a total of 55 pages- 8 of these were due sometime in the past two and a half weeks. This includes two 8 pagers, four 5 pagers, and two three pagers. Two were due this past Friday- for the same class.
Random Thought: I just got some pictures of my baby cousin Sophia. She is hands down one of the most beautiful baby girls I’ve ever seen. Granted I do have another new baby girl cousin, Adriana and she's also very pretty (my mom told me that she reminds her of me when I was a baby so you know that's true. haha) but I do not have any pictures of her. Sorry.
ALL NIGHTERS- Because of these papers, and all my other homework, and my design projects I have pulled at least three all nighters a week. Sometimes more. And the nights I didn’t pull all nighters I was only getting about five hours of sleep. My sleeping habits are soooo messed up right now.
Random Thought: It’s amazing how many people think that monkey is spelled “monkies” plural with “ies” instead of the correct way “monkeys” with an “eys”. I’m proud to say I’ve never been confused. haha
DESIGN PROJECT- This past week I have spent around 40 hours in the studio working on my final design scale models. Yesterday I got there around 2:00 in the afternoon and stayed until 7:30 am only leaving once I might add. Only to come back and sleep for two hours and go right back to spend another five hours until it was due. Let’s just say I’ve had enough painting to last me a while.
Random Thought: I was so unmotivated one night while writing a paper that I actually made a paper crane. Surprisingly it took a while to make- lots of folds, but impressive finished project. Sherman is currently sitting on my desk shelf. I would highly suggest making one if you’re bored.
THEATRE FUN- This past week was my Theatre Department banquet, Mutsys (where we all get together at someone’s house and the Seniors put on skits and give out silly awards), and annual party. All were pretty great actually. The party theme was F*ed Up In Fairytale Land. Me, Susan, and Katherine went as fairies. It was so much fun and we looked really good : )

Random Thought: Two finals down, four to go. Mom and Dad will be here on Friday morning and then I am out of here and not coming back till January. Crazyiness!
Well, as you can see I’ve been a busy little bee or beaver…I don’t really remember what the saying is. Or if that even is a saying or something I just made up. Either way, you get the gist: I’m busy, I get no sleep, finals suck, summer’s almost here!